Unimpressive Node.js application to generate Octopress posts from WordPress files.
I hated for all my old blog entries to disappear quietly. And I really wanted to the backup files off my hard drive so I can sleep at night. So I created this repo so I don't lose the knowledge I picked up through the exercise of creating this script.
You would probably be better served by using something like exitwp or using instructions like these. Alas, I did not see these options before I dug in.
That said, please steal, mutilate, improve or do whatever you want with this script.
My script assumes WordPress data has been exported into comma-separated variable (CSV) files. I had an old backup of my epmills.com blog that I'd exported from my service provider in the form of SQL files. I imported them into MySQL and exported them using MySQL Workbench. This script reads the posts, terms and taxonomies to gather enough information to generate a Markdown file with frontmatter for each post.