. init.sh
pip install -r requirements.txt
make test
Currently this will
- check syntax of shex file is correct
- ensure all in should_pass actually pass
- ensure all in should_fail actually fail
python ./gocam_validator.py ../test_ttl/go_cams/should_pass/test2.ttl
Test suite. just run CLI for now.
This does not rely on pre-injection of categories. Instead the pattern is:
<MolecularFunctionClass> @<OwlClass> AND {
rdfs:subClassOf [ GoMolecularFunction: ] ;
<MolecularFunction> @<GoCamEntity> AND EXTRA a {
a @<MolecularFunctionClass> {1};
enabled_by: ( @<Protein> OR @<Complex> ) {0,1};
The validator code will inject ?c rdfs:subClassOf ?a
triples using a
SPARQL subClassOf*
query on the triplestore as a poor-man's
reasoning step. This is cached using cachier (we may want a different
solution for production but this is fine for now).
For every ?i rdf:type ?c
we find the ancestors, and then assert that
is an ancestor (reflexive) if that ancestor is in the set of
upper level classes mapped to a shape.
currently this is in the code header:
cmap = {
"http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0003674" : "MolecularFunction",
"http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0008150" : "BiologicalProcess",
"http://purl.obolibrary.org/obo/GO_0005575" : "CellularComponent"
but should obviously be moved out somewhere more declarative.