C# Wrapper for the Validic REST API
Example usages of this wrapper are located in the tests project, specifically "/ValidicCSharpTests/ClientTests.cs"
Feel free to contact me with updates, pull requests, or questions here: shannon.null.code@gmail.com
C# WPF app to quickly test C# Wrapper. Main functinality
- by clicking on tab shows data in list views
- In log window, shows what HTTP querie been used and has link to execute query again.
File validic.json used for keeping "OrganizationId" and "AccessToken". By defult it has { "OrganizationAuthenticationCredentials": [ { "OrganizationId": "51aca5a06dedda916400002b", "AccessToken": "ENTERPRISE_KEY" }, ] }
You can add your organization info to it test you organization data.
Feel free to contact me with updates, pull requests, or questions here: alan.kharebov@validic.com