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Tests and utils for running a Dataverse installations.


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Python Tests for Jenkins to test different Dataverse instances, plus a website. Tests are written with Pytest, Requests and Selenium - easy to adapt and extend, and Open Source. Utils help you with your testing, as simple as that.


  • Basic tests for Dataverse (Selenium, Requests)
    • Supports Firefox and Chrome
    • easy to add new tests
  • utils functions to help you with testing
    • create and remove testdata via API
    • collect all Dataverses, Datasets and Datafiles via API and store the response in JSON files to test the completeness of your data
    • CLI integration
  • flexible and easy to use for your own Dataverse instance
  • Open Source (MIT)



Python >= 3.6

Python modules (see requirements.txt):

Additional data:

Some modules use data, which are and/or can not be provided by this repository. To see how to adapt the repository to your own Dataverse instance, see below.

Clone repository

git clone
cd aussda_tests/

Install requirements

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt


Settings management

Before you can start, you have to decide how you want to manage the settings. We recommend to create an .env-file, and set all your variables inside it. Use sample.env as a template. You can then define the path to your .env-file via ENV_FILE. We recommend to use the absolute path, so the pytest calls are independent of your actual working directory you are in. When you don't define ENV_FILE, the configuration loading expects an .env-file in the root directory.

Environment variables set via command line will overwrite the ones defined in the .env-file.

You can find all possible settings listed up in


The tests focus on requirements for DevOps activitites on running Dataverse instances. This includes customizuations (header, homepage, footer), user activitites (login, register, logout), datacreation via Frontend and API, data integrity (all Dataverses, Datasets and Datafiles accessible), SEO (sitemap, robots.txt) and legal issues (Privacy Policy, Cookie Rollbar). They are not planned to contain classic frontend or backend testing, which is done by the developers, and we rely upon.

The folder tests/ contains all the tests. They are seperated into dataverse/ and website/.

Tests are executed with pytest:

pytest -v tests/dataverse/

Tests will always be collected, but depending on your test-config.json settings, the ones where test = false will be skipped and marked as this in the pytest results.

Environment variables

Set via command line:

  • ENV_FILE: see above
  • PATH: You have to add the directories for all your browserengines (e. g. firefox gecko, chrome) to your path.
    • e. g. export PATH=$PATH:/folder/to/your/browser/engine/
    • Hint: the browserengine file must be executable!

Set via .env-file:

  • INSTANCE: Descriptive name for your instance to be tested. This must be also the folder name, where your test data is stored in (e. g. dataverse_production). There are three AUSSDA instances used and configured so far, as you can see in tests/data/instances/: dataverse_production, dataverse_dv03 and dataverse_localhost_t550 for Dataverse, and website as our website.
  • USER_AGENT: Sets a user-agent. This allows to exclude http requests done by the tests tracked by your web-analytics tool (e. g. Matomo, Google Analytics). To work, you have to tell your web-analytics tool to exlude all visits with the defined user-agent string (e. g. SELENIUM-TEST).
  • HEADLESS: Executes Selenium tests with or without browser window opening ( default = true -> without browser window).
  • USER_NORMAL: Username for normal user.
  • USER_NORMAL_NAME: Real name of normal user.
  • USER_NORMAL_PWD: Password of normal user.
  • USER_SHIBBOLETH: Username for Shibboleth user.
  • USER_SHIBBOLETH_NAME: Real name of Shibboleth user.
  • USER_SHIBBOLETH_PWD: Password of Shibboleth user.
  • BROWSER: valid JSON str of a list of browser engine names. Available: firefox and chrome.


The utils intend to offer helpful functions to prepare tests - like preparing data or uploading/removing test data. The functions can be called via command line.

Environment variables

Set via command line:

  • ENV_FILE: see above

Set via .env-file:

  • INSTANCE: Descriptive name for your instance to be tested. This must be also a valid folder name, as your generated data will be stored in a sub-directory called as it inside utils/data/instances/ (e. g. utils/data/instances/dataverse_production).
  • BASE_URL: Base URL of the instance without trailing slash (e. g.
  • API_TOKEN: API Token of a Dataverse user with proper rights.
  • PRODUCTION: If true, the creation and removal of test-data is not activated. This is important to set to true, if this represents a production instance, as you don't want to create or delete data on production. To allow creation or removal on a production instance, you have to pass --force to the function call.



Collects the complete data of a Dataverse instance in a tree structure (tree.json), containing all Dataverses, Datasets and Datafiles. The file is stored in your instance directory (e. g. utils/data/instances/dataverse_production).

python utils collect


Generates lists of Dataverses (dataverses.json), Datasets (datasets.json) and Datafiles (datafiles.json) from the tree structure (tree.json). The created lists are then used for tests (test_all_dataverses(), test_all_datasets(), test_all_datafiles()). The generated JSON files are stored inside utils/ in the related instance folder.

python utils generate


Creates a pre-defined set of testdata on your instance. By default, the function uses the AUSSDA test data repository, which is so far not publicly available. If PRODUCTION is true, this function will not execute, as long as you not add --force to the function call. This is to protect from unwanted changes on a production instance.

python utils create-testdata


Removes all data created by create-testdata. It recursively collects all Dataverses and Datasets from a passed Dataverse down (by default = science). If PRODUCTION is true, this function will not execute, as long as you not add --force to the function call. This is to protect from unwanted changes on a production instance.

python utils remove-testdata


To get all information for the CLI integration, use python utils --help. It lists all commands.

Adapt setup for your own Dataverse instance

Some requirements to use all the functionality available need additional resources not present in the repository. Here is a short guide, how to adapt the setup, so you can use it for your own instance(s).

1. Environment variables

  • Create for each instance an .env-file (see above).

2a. Utils

  • Create for each instance an .env-file (see above).
  • create test data:
    • To use python utils create-testdata to upload a set of data to your Dataverse instance, you have to provide metadata and/or data for the upload of Dataverses, Datasets and Datafiles via the API.
    • So far the AUSSDA test data repository, used by default in the scripts, are not public.
    • To setup your own test data directory:
      • Define your own test data needed (files and metadata for Dataverses, Datasets and Datafiles)
      • Adapt create_testdata() so your own metadata and datafiles are loaded
      • Adapt remove_testdata() so the data created by create_testdata() on your Dataverse instance will be deleted.

2b. Tests

To use the tests for your own Dataverse instance, you have to:

  • Create for each instance an .env-file (see above).
  • Create for each instance a folder inside tests/data/instances/ with dataverse_ as prefix. The folder name must later be used for INSTANCE.
  • Store all the needed data in it:
    • test-config.json (required):
      • Consist of test configuration for one Dataverse instance.
      • We recommend copying tests/data/instances/dataverse_production/test-config.json from the AUSSDA production instance and adapt it to your needs. Info: The schema for test-config.json is under development and so far not documented and not stable.
      • instance: instance specific data
      • tests: This steers the test behaviour. Only tests with test = true will be executed.
      • dataverses: Number of Dataverses, which will be tested in
      • search: List of search queries to be tested in
      • metadata-server: List of metadata server resources to be tested
      • external-resources: External resources for test purposes.
      • resources: Collection of resources (URL's) to be tested in
    • dataverses.json (optional):
      • List of Dataverses created via python utils generate to test the completeness of the Dataverses.
    • datasets.json (optional):
      • List of Datasets created via python utils generate to test the completeness of the Datasets.
    • datafiles.json (optional):
      • List of Datafiles created via python utils generate to test the completeness of the Datafiles.
    • metadata.json (optional):
      • Aggregated data from dataverses.json, datasets.json and datafiles.json, created by python utils generate.
  • Execute the tests as shown above.



Setup the virtual environment, install packages, install this package and install pre-commit.

python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
pre-commit install


If you have added a test, fixed a bug, improved the documentation or contributed in any other way to this, please don't forget to create a Pull Request, so the work can be shared with the rest of the Dataverse community. Thank you!

  • Add tests: simply add a pytest function, class or module to the existing structure inside tests/.
  • Add test data: tell us, if you have publicly available test data. We at AUSSDA will try to make our own test data public as soon as possible.



Tests and utils for running a Dataverse installations.




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