Desired behavior
- Check spelling
- Mention units where needed
- Add examples to the API doc
- Make sure descriptions are meaningful, and not just
/// \brief Sets A.
void SetA(int _a)
Alternatives considered
Implementation suggestion
- Angle
- AxisAlignedBox
- Box
- Color
- Cylinder
- DiffDriveOdometry
- Filter
- Frustum
- GaussMarkovProcess
- graph/Edge
- graph/GraphAlgorithms
- graph/Graph
- graph/Vertex
- Helpers
- Inertial
- Kmeans
- Line2
- Line3
- MassMatrix3
- Material
- MaterialType
- Matrix3
- Matrix4
- MovingWindowFilter
- OrientedBox
- Plane
- Pose3
- Quaternion. See pull request #327.
- Rand
- RollingMean
- RotationSpline
- SemanticVersion
- SignalStats
- Sphere
- SphericalCoordiantes
- Spline
- Stopwatch
- Temperature
- Triangle3
- Triangle
- Vector2
- Vector3
- Vector3Stats
- Vector4
Additional context
This was broken off #101.