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Hi there, I'm @gawbul (Steve) 👋

I am a Computational Scientist. I am interested in Bioinformatics, Evolution, and Genomics. I am the founder of pyOpenSci. I work as a freelance Research Consultant, and a Site Reliability Engineer - where I focus on solving technical problems relevant to large-scale distributed systems. I have a B.Sc. (Hons) in Biomedical Sciences, a PGcert in Research Training, and a Ph.D. in Computational Genomics from the University of Hull (as part of the EvoHull Group) focusing on questions within Bioinformatics, Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution. My current research interests centre around questions relating to the use of Artificial Intelligence in Bioinformatics, Genomics and Precision Medicine.

- 🔭 I’m currently working on ...

Pathlength a ray tracing program for calculating resolution and sensitivity in crustacean eyes (reniform reflecting superposition compound eyes) in the Go programming language.

A comparative genomic analyses of introns in several species of fish using publicly available data from the Ensembl genome project using the Python programming language.

- 🌱 I’m currently learning ...

Trying to learn too many things Go, all about the Science of Exercise, various topics within SRE from Google including Site Reliability Engineering: Measuring and Managing Reliability and working towards several Google Cloud Certifications, utilising resources such as Coursera. I am also interested in learning more about technologies such as Kubernetes and Kafka. As part of this I am undertaking the Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) exam via the Linux Foundation, and the Confluent Certified Administrator for Apache Kafka (CCAAK) exam via Confluent.

- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on ...

Any interesting problems and challenges within various fields, which are amenable to being solved using methods within the broader scope of Computational Science.

- 🤔 I’m looking for help with ...

Developing my theoretical understanding of Software Engineering and learning more about Data Science, Machine Learning and AI with a particular focus on biological, biomedical and clinical applications. I am also developing my theoretical knowledge of networking and cyber security.

- 💬 Ask me about ...

Anything relating to Computational Genomics (Bioinformatics, Comparative Genomics and Molecular Evolution), DevOps and Site Reliability Engineering as well as Cloud, High-Performance, and Scientific Computing.

- 📫 How to reach me: ...

- 😄 Pronouns: ...


- ⚡ Fun fact: ...

I worked as a Security Operative and Bouncer for over 11 years. I am a pugilist, martial artist and yogi.


My special repository






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