An arduino program that uses an MCP4725 to generate an adjustable control voltage from 0 to 5 volts.
In the Arduino IDE, go to the Sketch menu and choose Import Library... -> Add Library, then choose the Adafruit_MCP4725 folder.
This program uses two Bourns PEC12-4225F-N0024 rotary encoders. Hook both C pins to ground, the A and B pins of one to digital inputs 2 and 3, and the A and B pins of the other to digital inputs 4 and 5. To change the direction the pot is turned to increase the voltage, swap the A and B pins for that pot.
One of the pots is fine control, one of them is coarse control.
See this adafruit tutorial to hook up the MCP4725:
Donovan Preston September 21, 2014