Learning spring cloud
This project was implemented with Spring Eureka, Ribbon Client, Feign Client, Zuul Api Gateway,Spring Sleuth and Hystrix. All of them are simple implementations.
To run, execute the sh files:
- 1-eureka.sh
- 2-poke-type-service.sh
- 3-poke-battle-compare.sh
- 4-zuul-api-gateway.sh
- http://localhost:{port}/battle/{typeOne}/versus/{typeTwo} (pokemon-type-battle-compare-service)
- http://localhost:8000/type/{type} (pokemon-type-service)
- http://localhost:8765/poke-type-battle-compare/battle/grass/versus/water (Zuul)
- Water
- Grass
- Fire
- Other input will be throws an RunTimeException and Hystrix will execute fallback.