These tutorials will step you through using MoveIt! with your robot. It is assumed the robot you are working with has already been configured to work with MoveIt! - check the list of robots running MoveIt! to see whether MoveIt! is already available for your robot. Otherwise, skip to the "Integration with a New Robot" tutorials, below. If you just want to quickly try MoveIt!, use the default Panda robot as your quick-start demo.
All tutorials referencing the Panda have only been tested with ROS Kinetic. For earlier versions of ROS (eg. Indigo) See the ROS Indigo tutorials with the PR2
To follow along with these tutorials you will need a ROBOT_moveit_config package. This tutorial will use the Panda robot from Franka Emika. To get a working panda_moveit_config package you can install from source, create your own, or install from Debian. We will walk through each method in the following Getting Started tutorial:
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 doc/getting_started/getting_started doc/quickstart_in_rviz/quickstart_in_rviz_tutorial
The simplest way to use MoveIt! through scripting is using the move_group_interface
. This interface is ideal for beginners and provides unified access to many of the features of MoveIt!.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 doc/move_group_interface/move_group_interface_tutorial doc/move_group_python_interface/move_group_python_interface_tutorial doc/moveit_commander_scripting/moveit_commander_scripting_tutorial
Building more complex applications with MoveIt! often requires developers to dig into MoveIt!’s C++ API. As an added plus, using the C++ API directly skips many of the ROS Service/Action layers resulting in significantly faster performance.
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 doc/robot_model_and_robot_state/robot_model_and_robot_state_tutorial doc/planning_scene/planning_scene_tutorial doc/planning_scene_ros_api/planning_scene_ros_api_tutorial doc/motion_planning_api/motion_planning_api_tutorial doc/motion_planning_pipeline/motion_planning_pipeline_tutorial doc/visualizing_collisions/visualizing_collisions_tutorial doc/time_parameterization/time_parameterization_tutorial doc/planning_with_approximated_constraint_manifolds/planning_with_approximated_constraint_manifolds_tutorial doc/pick_place/pick_place_tutorial
Before attempting to integrate a new robot with MoveIt!, check whether your robot has already been setup (see the list of robots running MoveIt!). Otherwise, follow the tutorials in this section to integrate your robot with MoveIt! (and share your results on the MoveIt! mailing list)
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 doc/setup_assistant/setup_assistant_tutorial doc/urdf_srdf/urdf_srdf_tutorial doc/controller_configuration/controller_configuration_tutorial doc/perception_pipeline/perception_pipeline_tutorial doc/ikfast/ikfast_tutorial doc/trac_ik/trac_ik_tutorial
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 doc/kinematics_configuration/kinematics_configuration_tutorial doc/fake_controller_manager/fake_controller_manager_tutorial doc/custom_constraint_samplers/custom_constraint_samplers_tutorial doc/ompl_interface/ompl_interface_tutorial doc/chomp_planner/chomp_planner_tutorial doc/stomp_planner/stomp_planner_tutorial doc/planning_adapters/planning_adapters_tutorial.rst
.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 doc/joystick_control_teleoperation/joystick_control_teleoperation_tutorial doc/benchmarking/benchmarking_tutorial doc/tests/tests_tutorial
Major contributors to the MoveIt! tutorials are listed in chronological order: Sachin Chitta, Dave Hershberger, Acorn Pooley, Dave Coleman, Michael Gorner, Francisco Suarez, Mike Lautman. Help us improve these docs and we'll be happy to include you here also!
The tutorials had a major update in 2018 during a code sprint sponsored by Franka Emika in collaboration with PickNik (Check out the blog post!)