A very lightweight recreation of the venerable Apollo DSKY using just an Arduino Uno and a 320x240 Touch LCD shield. The LCD replaces all of the hardware complications (buttons, lights).
This is not a full simulation of the DSKY, just a taste of the Verb/Noun paradigm. There are a handful of verbs and nouns, for example:
Verb 16, Noun 36 (Monitor Decimal:Clock Time) makes the DSKY act as a clock (screen capture):
Verb 18, Noun 28 (Monitor Graphical:Moon Phase) shows the moon phase graphically (screen capture):
YouTube video:
The main point is to replace the 15 lamps, 21 seven-segment digits and 19 push-buttons with the touch shield. So not the full experience of das blinken lights, but much more accessible!
Refer to ArDSKYlite.txt for more information.