This nagios plugin is free software, and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence (see
- Using state of the art non-blocking/async IO (EV and Mojolicious)
- Using DNS Native non-blocking resolver !
- IPV6 ready !!!
- Proper error handling !
- Uses native SNMP methods( get and bulk get )
- Works with all cisco routers/switches (ASR/VXR/2900/8xx) tested
- For now, only SNMP v2c is supported !!!
check_cisco_power_supply [ -V|--version ] [-H|--hostname ] [-C|--community ] [-t|--timeout ]
-?, --usage | Print usage information
-h, --help | Print detailed help screen
-V, --version | Print version information
--host, -H | IP address or hostname of cisco device
--community, -C | SNMP community
-t, --timeout=INTEGER |Seconds before plugin times out (default: 10)
-v, --verbose | prints extensive debugging info to stderr
This plugin was not tested on Windows.
Feel free to do so and report back !
At least use perl version 5.20 !
apt-get install build-essential
yum groupinstall 'Development Tools'
cpan Mojolicous EV Net::SNMP Net::DNS::Native Monitoring::Plugin Socket6
cpanm Mojolicous EV Net::SNMP Net::DNS::Native Monitoring::Plugin Socket6
CISCO_POWER_SUPPLY OK - Host: power-module 0/PS0/M1/SP => on(2) power-module 0/PS0/M0/SP => on(2)
CISCO_POWER_SUPPLY UNKNOWN - SNMP Timeout (5s) connecting to host