This is a simple instant messenger/social media app with a minimalist design (material you), with authentication, where registered users can find themselves friends, chat with them, create stories and find each other on the map. Every message is end-to-end encrypted and there is no persistent storage* of messages on the backend api.
Mobile app:
- Flutter framework (Dart)
- Libsignal protocol for end-to-end encryption
- Bloc state management
- NestJs framework (TypeScript)
- MongoDb with Mongoose
- Future: Firebase Cloud Messaging (push notifications)
- Pull the images
docker pull mongo:latest
docker pull fsblaise/blizz-chat-backend:latest
- Create docker network locally
docker network create ${NETWORK_NAME}
- Run mongodb container
docker run -d --name ${MONGODB_CONTAINER_NAME} --network ${NETWORK_NAME} -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=${username} -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=${password} -p 27017:27017 -v ./mongo-data:/data/db mongo:latest
- Run backend container
docker run -d --name ${BACKEND_CONTAINER_NAME} -p 3000:3000 --network ${NETWORK_NAME} -e DB_URI=mongodb://${username}:${password}@${MONGODB_CONTAINER_NAME}:27017 -e JWT_SECRET=${CUSTOM_SECRET} fsblaise/blizz-chat-backend:latest
Backend url: http://localhost:3000
Db url: mongodb://${username}:${password}@localhost:27017
Api (requires nodejs 20):
cd backend
docker compose up
npm i
npm run start
Frontend (requires nodejs 20):
cd frontend
npm i
npm run start
Mobile app (requires flutter version 3.22.2)
cd mobile_new
flutter pub add
flutter run
*Persistent storage: Messages are only cached in a queue, if the websocket connection is not live with the recipient of the message. As soon as the recipient is connected via websocket, every message is being sent.