The aim of this project is to allow a user to easily monitor a list of credentials, giving them the option to notify them and/or each individual user based on their use case)
[ done ] backend
[ in progress ] Frontend with React
Backend for a web application built with Java Spring (Maven), MySQL and Redis
Business logic fetches user defined lists of credentials and stored in a mySQL database to perform operations
Base URL: {hostname}:8080/
Service layer logic grabs user list of credentials input and puts it in a redis database uses redis search indexing, and other cloud tools to allow the user to look at the database, search it in an SPA
[to do]
Implement a cache with redis
Path: :8080/credentials
Retrieves all /addnew
Lists all credentials
Adds a credential to the user's list
Refreshes compromised status
DELETE /credentials/{id}
91bf3372 (fixed new services and repos)
PUT /notify/
Sends an email to all breached high alert level credentials
PUT /notify/{id}/
Sends an email to a specific breached credential