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RecordList Component

Julio Carneiro edited this page Dec 15, 2017 · 4 revisions

The Record List Component provides UI and functionality for querying, displaying and acting upon a list of records from a 4D Database. It uses a QueryBand widget to query 4D and a DataGrid widget to display the query results.

The component accepts two content children, a QueryBand component and a DataGrid component, and here is an example use of the Record List Component, which corresponds to the sample image above:

<record-list [editWindow]="editWindow" [dialogInstance]="dialog">
   <query-band [enableSort]="true" [enableQBE]="true" [enableButtonBar]="true" [enableAddRecord]="true [enableDeleteRecord]="true">
      <queryband class="form-group">
          <features-queryband #customQueryBand class="form-group"></features-queryband>
          <button class="regularButton" style="width:120px;" (click)="checkFeature()">Analyze</button>


The Record List Component's selector is <record-list>, and it has the following Input variables:

  • editWindow: this is the associated record edit dialog class; if set, dbl-cliking a row or hitting the Add/Edit buttons will open it in a Modal dialog; the Edit Window must be an extension to the RecordEditWindow Component
  • dialogInstance: if the Record List runs inside a Dialog window, then that must be set to host's ModalDialogInstance, to allow automatic handling of Dialog window resizing


A RecordList instance includes the following properties:

  • queryBand: the Query Band widget inside the Record List component
  • theGrid: the DataGrid widget inside the Record List component


The Component API includes the following functions:


This will clear cached query and the query form


Will rerun previous query and refresh the data displayed on the Grid