Quick braindump of things we should do in terms of docs / PM moving forward
- FAQ Doc
- foundryup vs cargo/bin installation path (either delete the .cargo/bin or set .foundrup/bin before it in your PATH)
- i cannot see my logs (need to trigger verbosity)
- how do I fork mainnet state? (--fork-url)
- how do gas snapshots work?
- how do I use a manual solc version? (--offline / --no-auto-detect / SOLC_PATH / PATH)
- how to use console.sol (need to vendor it)
- how do I run specific tests / contracts? (--match / --match-contract etc.)
- Patterns doc
- using cheatcodes
- reusable test suites (forge: Reusable Test Suites #407 (comment))
- discarding fuzzed inputs
- Known Issues Doc
- caching bug
- fuzzer edge cases
- missing libusb
- Improved Issue Template
- How did you install foundry?
- What is the exact set of commands that you ran to get the bug?
- If it's a Solidity repo, do you have a minimal code example?
- Did you check the FAQ?
- Is this a Foundry question, or are you making a Solidity mistake?
- PR Template
- Motivation
- Solution
- Projects
- Deploy
- Etherscan Verification
- Symbolic EVM
- Improved Fuzzer
- Mutation Testing
- Coverage
- Gas Reports
- Refactor to be abstract over Compiler and Runtime (set up StarkNet support)
- Solidity Book using Foundry
- Foundry Book
What else are we missing?