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Formspree JS

Monorepo containing the @formspree/core and @formspree/react packages. Built with turborepo.

Installation, building, testing and development

The core and react packages can be installed directly from NPM using your package manager of choice. For example to install formspree-react with yarn, run:

yarn add @formspree/react

To work on the formspree-js packages, clone this repo, install dependencies, and use turbo to build, test and develop:

turbo build
turbo test
turbo dev

Publishing changes

When developing you should include a changeset in your PR.

yarn changeset

Once approved you can convert the changeset into a changelog and bump the version.

yarn changeset version

Commit the changes, which will remove the changeset file and update the changelog in the relevant package(s). Push to the approved PR's branch. Now you can merge the PR to main.

After merging, you should publish to NPM. You can do that by running the github action release.

Help and Support

For help and support please see the Formspree React docs.


Please follow our contributing guidelines.