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RTNetlink is an extensible, high-level, pure-Haskell interface for manipulating network interfaces on Linux: creating and destroying interfaces, changing and dumping interface settings, adding and removing addresses.

The core interface of RTNetlink is the RTNL monad. RTNL handles the heavy lifting of opening and closing netlink sockets, incrementing sequence numbers, and getting the responses for the current sequence number behind the scenes. Messages not that are not responses to a sent message, such as those sent to group subscribers, are stored in the backlog and can be retrieved with getBacklog.

The basic way to use RTNL is to use the create, destroy, dump, and change convenience functions. If you want more control, you can use talk and talk_. Import modules like System.Linux.RTNetlink.Link to get access to prefab instances of Create and Destroy messages, etc. Or import System.Linux.RTNetlink.Message to get access to the core typeclasses and create your own messages. System.Linux.RTNetlink.Packet has a number of functions to make this easier.


{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where

import System.Linux.RTNetlink
import System.Linux.RTNetlink.Link
import Control.Monad (when)

main :: IO ()
main = runRTNL $ do
    let mybridge = LinkName "mybridge"
    create (Bridge, mybridge)
    change mybridge Up
    state <- dump' mybridge
    when (state == Up) $
        liftIO (putStrLn "I did it, mom!")
    destroy mybridge