Provides estimates for risk of recurrence from digital histology / multimodal predictions incorporating clinical features
If you use this code in your work or find it helpful, please consider citing our article in npj Breast Cancer.
title = {Integration of clinical features and deep learning on pathology for the prediction of breast cancer recurrence assays and risk of recurrence},
volume = {9},
copyright = {2023 The Author(s)},
issn = {2374-4677},
url = {},
doi = {10.1038/s41523-023-00530-5},
abstract = {Gene expression-based recurrence assays are strongly recommended to guide the use of chemotherapy in hormone receptor-positive, HER2-negative breast cancer, but such testing is expensive, can contribute to delays in care, and may not be available in low-resource settings. Here, we describe the training and independent validation of a deep learning model that predicts recurrence assay result and risk of recurrence using both digital histology and clinical risk factors. We demonstrate that this approach outperforms an established clinical nomogram (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve of 0.83 versus 0.76 in an external validation cohort, p = 0.0005) and can identify a subset of patients with excellent prognoses who may not need further genomic testing.},
language = {en},
number = {1},
urldate = {2023-04-17},
journal = {npj Breast Cancer},
author = {Howard, Frederick M. and Dolezal, James and Kochanny, Sara and Khramtsova, Galina and Vickery, Jasmine and Srisuwananukorn, Andrew and Woodard, Anna and Chen, Nan and Nanda, Rita and Perou, Charles M. and Olopade, Olufunmilayo I. and Huo, Dezheng and Pearson, Alexander T.},
month = apr,
year = {2023},
note = {Number: 1
Publisher: Nature Publishing Group},
keywords = {Breast cancer, Prognostic markers, Translational research},
pages = {1--6},
This github repository should be downloaded to a project directory. Installation takes < 5 minutes on a standard desktop computer. Runtime for hyperparameter optimization is approximately 96 hours for 50 iterations. Runtime for model training of the tumor region of interest and recurrence score predictive models was approximately 4 hours. The analysis of results is performed in < 1 minute. All software was tested on CentOS 8 with an AMD EPYC 7302 16-Core Processor and 4x A100 SXM 40 GB GPUs.
- python 3.8
- tensorflow 2.8.0
- opencv
- scipy 1.7.3
- scikit-image 0.18.3
- pixman 0.40.0
- OpenSlide
- Libvips 8.9
- pandas 1.3.5
- numpy 1.21.2
- smac 1.4.0
- IBM's CPLEX 12.10.0 and CPLEX's python API
For full environment used for model testing please see the requirements.yml file
This package heavily utilizes the Slideflow repository, and reading the associated extensive documentation is recommended to familiarize users with the workflow used in this project.
This code supports multiple methods of reproducing our work. For the most straightforward way, skip to the 'Replicating our Model Analysis' header, and run the file with the --saved option, which can regenerate our analysis from saved predictions from TCGA / UCMC. Otherwise, please continue reading for a more complete guide to replication of our work.
After downloading the github repository, the first step is to edit the datasets.json (located in the main directory of this repository) to reflect the location of where slide images are stored for the TCGA and UCMC datasets.
Each 'dataset' within the datasets.json has four elements:
"slides": location of the whole slide images
"roi": location of region of interest annotations. We have provided our region of interest annotations from TCGA in the /roi/ directory
"tiles": location to extract free image tiles. We disable this in our extract image function
"tfrecords": location of tfrecords containing the extracted image tiles for slides
The TCGA slide images can be downloaded from The extracted anonymized tfrecord files from the UCMC dataset, trained models, and regions of interest are available from Zenodo. The tfrecords descriptor should be updated to point to the path of the UCH_BRCA_RS dataset from this link. The "roi" marker should point to the appropriate folder within the ROI zip file - the ROI subfolder should be used for all TCGA models except TCGA_BRCA_NORMAL, which uses the ROI_NORM subfolder. The PROJECTS file from Zenodo can replace the PROJECTS file from this repository to make use of pre-trained models.
Slide extraction can be performed by running the following command:
python -e
This will automatically extract tfrecords from associated slide images. The code assumes the PROJECTS folder which contains the list of slides to use for each project is located in the directory that the script is run from. This script automatically performs extraction with the slideflow backbone, for example -
SFP = sf.Project(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "UCH_RS")) # specifies the location of the project folder
SFP.annotations = join(PROJECT_ROOT, "UCH_RS", "uch_brca_complete.csv") # specifies the location of the annotations file to use as a guide for slides to extract
SFP.sources = ["UCH_BRCA_RS"] # specifies the dataset location
SFP.extract_tiles(tile_px=tile_px, tile_um=tile_um, skip_missing_roi=False, save_tiles=False, skip_extracted=overwrite, roi_method = 'ignore', source="UCH_BRCA_RS", buffer=join(PROJECT_ROOT, "buffer")) # extracts tiles for the 'UCH_BRCA_RS' dataset using the specified tile pixel size (302), tile size in microns (299), without using regions of interest
The following sets of data are created for this project
UCH_BRCA_RS - extracted tiles from University of Chicago slides. These should be placed in the appropriate tfrecords directory from the datasets.json using the anonymized files uploaded to Zenodo
UCH_BRCA_RS_FULL_ROI - extracted tiles from University of Chicago slides using pathologist specified regions of interest - an optional dataset used to assess training models from University of Chicago and validating on TCGA, not used for primary analysis of this project.
TCGA_BRCA_FULL_ROI - extracted tiles from TCGA using specified regions of interest
TCGA_BRCA_NO_ROI - extracted tiles from TCGA without regions of interest
TCGA_BRCA_NORMAL - extracted tiles from TCGA using inverse region of interest (essentially the normal tissue surrounding tumors in the dataset, used for training the tumor likelihood model)
TCGA_BRCA_FILTERED - a dataset where tiles are filtered from the TCGA using the tumor detection module rather than pathologist annotations - an optional dataset not used for the primary analysis of this project
To perform hyperparameter optimization, run the file with the following parameters (example given for 50 runs for hyperparameter optimization):
python --hpsearch run --hpprefix DESIRED_PREFIX --hpstart 1 --hpcount 50
This code will automatically run hyperparameter optimization for the specified iterations. The following range of parameters are used for the hyperparameter search
Dropout: 0 - 0.5
Hidden Layer Width (dimension of fully connected layers after Xception backbone): 128 - 1024
Hidden Layers (number of fully connected hidden layers): 1 - 5
Learning Rate: 0.00001 - 0.001
Learning Rate Decay Steps (# of batches until applying learning rate decay): 128 - 1024
Learning Rate Decay Ratio (ratio with which to reduce the learning rate): 0 - 1
Learning Rate Decay (whether to decay learning rate): True / False
Loss (for linear loss, will train models on numerical recurrence score; for categorical loss will train on high / low cutoff of recurrence score): mean squared error, mean absolute error, sparse categorical cross entropy
Batch Size: 8 - 128
Augment (‘x’ performs horizontal flipping, ‘y’ performs vertical flipping, ‘r’ performs rotation, ‘j’ performs random JPEG compression): xyr, xyrj, xyrjb
Normalizer (whether to apply stain normalization): reinhard, none
L1 weight: 0 - 0.1
L1 (whether to perform L1 regularization): True, False
L2 weight: 0 - 0.1
L2 (whether to perform L2 regularization): True, False
L1 dense weight: 0 - 0.1
L1 dense (whether to perform l1 regularization to dense layers): True, False
L2 dense weight: 0 - 0.1
L2 dense (whether to perform l1 regularization to dense layers): True, False
Optimization is done using the SMAC package. Optimization is performed across two sets of three cross folds (listed in the tcga_brca_complete.csv file as CV3_odx85_mip and CV3_mp85_mip. These cross folds were chosen using site preserved splits to optimize the balance of high versus low risk OncotypeDx and MammaPrint recurrence scores. These splits can be regenerated, if desired, using the createCrossfoldsRS function in the file.
To train models for tumor detection and region of interest annotation, run with the following parameters:
python -t --hpsearch read --hpprefix DESIRED_PREFIX --hpstart 0 --hpcount 50
This will search for the saved tile-level AUROC results from models stored within /PROJECTS/UCH_RS/models/ with the prefix DESIRED_PREFIX, identifying the hyperparameter combination with the highest tile-level AUROC.
Or, if you do not want to rerun hyperparameter optimization and would prefer to use stored hyperparameters from our optimization, they can automatically be loaded as follows:
python -t --hpsearch old
This command will train models on the entire TCGA dataset for prediction of MammaPrint and OncotypeDx scores, as well as three models trained for cross validation (again using the CV3_odx85_mip and CV3_mp85_mip headers to specify the folds). Predictions will be made for the held out 1/3 of the data, and saved in the /PROJECTS/UCH_RS/eval/ folder.
Several special keyword arguments can be provided to train models in an alternative fashion:
python -t --hpsearch old -uf #The -uf or --use_filtered command will train models using tiles selected by the tumor-likelihood model instead of from pathologist annotations
python -t --hpsearch old -tr #The -tr or --train_receptors command will train models using only HR+/HER2- patients from TCGA
python -t --hpsearch old -rev #The -rev or --train_reverse command will train models on the UCMC dataset for validation in TCGA
Model training within this script is performed automatically using the slideflow train command. This could be performed manually outside of this automated script if desired as follows (example given for training 3 cross fold validated models within TCGA).
SFP = sf.Project(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "UCH_RS"))
SFP.annotations = join(PROJECT_ROOT, "UCH_RS", "tcga_brca_complete.csv")
SFP.sources = ["TCGA_BRCA_FULL_ROI"]
hp = hp_opt #uses saved optimal hyperparameters from optimization
odx_train_name = "GHI_RS_Model_NJEM.2004_PMID.15591335" #numerical OncotypeDx score in annotation file
odx_val_name = "odx85" #categorical representation of OncotypeDx score in annotation file
exp_label = "ODX_Final_BRCAROI"
SFP_TUMOR_ROI = sf.Project(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "TCGA_BRCA_ROI")) # need to setup the slideflow project for where tumor region of interest predictions are stored
SFP_TUMOR_ROI.annotations = join(PROJECT_ROOT, "TCGA_BRCA_ROI", "tumor_roi.csv")
hp.weight_model = assign_tumor_roi_model(SFP_TUMOR_ROI, hp.tile_px, hp.normalizer) #assigns the tumor likelihood model (only used for validation)
SFP.train(exp_label=exp_label, outcome_label_headers=odx_train_name, val_outcome_label_headers=odx_val_name, params = hp, filters = mergeDict(filters, {odx_val_name: ["H","L"]}), val_strategy = 'k-fold-manual', val_k_fold=3, val_k_fold_header = "CV3_odx85_mip", multi_gpu=True, save_predictions=True)
#Key arguments used in our slideflow training setup -
#exp_label - defaults to ODX_Final_BRCAROI - saved label for the experiment
#outcome_label_headers - defaults to the recurrence score header in the TCGA dataset - GHI_RS_Model_NJEM.2004_PMID.15591335 for Oncotype and Pcorr_NKI70_Good_Correlation_Nature.2002_PMID.11823860 for MammaPrint
#params - assigns model hyperparameters as described above
#filters - specify ranges allowed for specific columns in the annotations file
#val_strategy - set to k-fold-manual to allow k-fold cross validation with a consistent set of preserved site folds as generated above and included in our annotations file
#val_k_fold_header - specifies the header that assigns specific k-fold to each patient
#multi_gpu - allows training to utilize all available GPUs
#save_predictions - to save the outcome of model training
To validate the trained models in the UCMC dataset, run with the -v flag: -v
This will generate patient level predictions from the pathologic model on the validation dataset, which are stored in the /PROJECTS/UCH_RS/eval folder. To illustrate how this validation is setup in the script (and thus how it could be applied to an external dataset):
#Set up a slideflow project referencing the validation dataset annotations and dataset source
SFP = sf.Project(join(PROJECT_ROOT, "UCH_RS"))
SFP.annotations = join(PROJECT_ROOT, "UCH_RS", "uch_brca_complete.csv")
SFP.sources = ["UCH_BRCA_RS"]
#Set up the slideflow project for where tumor region of interest predictions are performed
SFP_TUMOR_ROI.annotations = join(PROJECT_ROOT, "TCGA_BRCA_ROI", "tumor_roi.csv")
#Load saved hyperparameters and assign the tumor likelihood model (weight_model) hyperparameter
hp = hp_opt
hp.weight_model = assign_tumor_roi_model(SFP_TUMOR_ROI, hp.tile_px, hp.normalizer)
#Specifiy experiment names which were used for model training, and specify the column names used for outcome from training and validation
exp_label = "ODX_Final_BRCAROI"
odx_train_name = "GHI_RS_Model_NJEM.2004_PMID.15591335"
odx_val_name = "RSHigh"
#Finds the trained model within the SFP project folder (in this case /PROJECTS/UCH_RS/models/ folder)
m = find_model(SFP, exp_label, outcome = odx_train_name, epoch=hp.epochs[0])
#re-assign hyperparameters for categorical validation of a linear model
params = sf.util.get_model_config(m)
params["hp"]["loss"] = "sparse_categorical_crossentropy"
params["model_type"] = "categorical"
params["outcome_labels"] = {"0":"H","1":"L"}
params["onehot_pool"] = 'false'
sf.util.write_json(params, join(m, "params_eval.json"))
#Run OncotypeDx model validation
SFP.evaluate(model=m, outcome_label_headers=odx_val_name, save_predictions=True, model_config=join(m, "params_eval.json"))
To evaluate performance characteristics of the trained model, run This script will perform the following steps:
- Load the TCGA dataset (from /PROJECTs/UCH_RS/tcga_brca_complete.csv) and TCGA pathology model predictions (from /PROJECTS/UCH_RS/eval/), and compute the clinical nomogram results for each patient. In the case of the MammaPrint model, the clinical predictions will be generated using a logistic regression fit on NCDB (saved in the installation directory as NCDB2017.csv).
- Fit three logistic regression models on 2/3 of the data using out-of-sample pathology predictions and clinical nomogram predictions. Make predictions with logistic regression model on remaining 1/3 of the data.
- Detects thresholds to use for a rule-out (95% sensitivity) model in each of the three cross folds to generate an average threshold for validation.
- Generate ROC curves and fit survival models on TCGA using the predictions from the pathologic, clinical, and combined models. Evaluate the rule-out threshold performance.
- Fit a combined model logistic regression using the average coefficients of the three logistic regressions fit in TCGA
- Loads the UCMC dataset (from /PROJECTS/UCH_RS/uch_brca_complete.csv) and UCMC pathology model predictions (from /PROJECTS/UCH_RS/eval/), and computes the clinical nomogram results for each patient, as well as the results from the combined logistic regression.
- Generates ROC curves and fit survival models on UCMC using the predictions from the pathologic, clinical, and combined models. Evaluate the rule-out threshold performance.
- Computes correlation between model predictions and grade, necrosis, and lymphovascular invasion.
Plots are saved to the root directory:
ROC Curves .png - which has ROC curves for the TCGA / UCMC datasets for all three models for the Oncotype or MammaPrint outcome
Prognostic Plots .png - which plots Kaplan Meier curves for high versus low risk patients identified by the high sensitivity thresholds for the clinical nomogram and the combined model in the validation dataset
Prognostic Plots TCGA .png - which plots Kaplan Meier curves for high versus low risk patients within TCGA
Correlation .png - which plots linear correlation between the model and true recurrence score results
Prognostic Comparison.png - comparison between the prognostic outcomes of the TCGA and UCMC datasets
HP Search.png - a plot of hyperparameter evolution over Bayesian optimization
Baseline demographics are saved in the root directory:
UCMC MammaPrint Cohort.xlsx
UCMC Oncotype Cohort.xlsx
TCGA Cohort.xlsx
TCGA HRHER2 Cohort.xlsx
All performance metrics are saved in the root directory:
predictions_.csv - contains main predictions including AUROC/AUPRC and prognostic performance of the specified model
correlate_pathparams.csv - contains the correlation coefficients for model predictions and pathologic parameters
Several special parameters can be provided, in particular the -s command will use the saved predictions allowing easy replication of our analysis without running
python -s #The -s or --saved command will use saved pathologic model predictions from /PROJECT/saved_results/ and embedded in the uch_brca_complete.csv and tcga_brca_complete.csv files (rather then reloading the predictions from the /PROJECTS/UCH_RS/eval/ directory).
python -uf #The -uf or --use_filtered command will train models using tiles selected by the tumor-likelihood model instead of from pathologist
python -tr #The -tr or --train_receptors command will train models using only HR+/HER2- patients from TCGA
python -rev #The -rev or --train_reverse command will train models on the UCMC dataset for validation in TCGA
To generate predictions on an external dataset (i.e. to test this on new patients), the necessary columns to include in the annotations file are:
patient - patient identifier
slide - slide file name
Age - numeric age in years - for calculation of clinical nomogram
hist_type - histologic subtype - Ductal, Lobular, D&L, or Other - for calculation of clinical nomogram
grade - 1, 2, or 3 - for calculation of clinical nomogram
tumor_size - tumor size measured in mm - for calculation of clinical nomogram
PR - 'Pos', or 'Neg', for calculation of clinical nomogram
This should be followed by setting up the datasets.json as above with a new dataset reflecting the slide directory of your new images, and the location you would like to store tfrecords.
The model_training file can be used to extract slides and generate predictions for this new dataset:
python --extract --annotation <annotation.csv file name, assumed to be in /PROJECTS/UCH/> --source <dataset name specified in dataset.json> --experiment_label <unique label for experiment; duplicate models with same prefix leads to errors>
python --validate --annotation <annotation.csv file name, assumed to be in /PROJECTS/UCH/> --source <dataset name specified in dataset.json> --experiment_label <label>
The model_analysis file can use the annotation file (with proper annotations for the nomogram) along with the pathologic predictions from to generate predictions on patients with unknown Oncotype score -
python -pred --outcome <RS for Oncotype or MP for MammaPrint> --dataset <name of CSV file with annotations in the UCH_RS folder> --experiment_label <label>
These predictions will be saved in the project root as "_predictions.csv"; with columns including percent_tiles_positive_0, ten_score, and comb - corresponding to the numeric predictions of the pathologic, clinical, and combined models. Columns percent_tiles_positive_0_thresh, ten_score_thresh, and comb_thresh - correspond to a binary of whether a patient was predicted high risk (1) or low risk (0) using the high sensitivity threshold.
To make new predictions using our frozen trained models for this analysis, please download the trained models from Zenodo and extract the zip into the PROJECTS folder.
To view heatmaps from trained models, run with the --heatmaps_tumor_roi for tumor likelihood predictions or --heatmaps_odx for Oncotype model predictions, and specify 'TCGA' or 'UCH' depending on which dataset you want to generate heatmaps for:
python --heatmaps_tumor_roi TCGA
python --heatmaps_odx TCGA