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Easily Apply Tilt Parallax Hover Effects for Flutter!
- 📦 Tilt effect
- 🔦 Light effect
- 💡 Shadow effect
- 👀 Parallax effect
- 🧱 Multiple layouts
- 👇 Supports mouse and touch events
- 🖼️ Smooth animation
- ⚙️ Many custom parameters
- | 3.0.x | 3.3.x | 3.10.x |
0.0.1+ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Run this command with Flutter,
$ flutter pub add flutter_tilt
or add flutter_tilt
to pubspec.yaml
dependencies manually.
flutter_tilt: ^latest_version
Example: flutter_tilt/example
widget will have default tilt, shadow, and light effects.
/// Import flutter_tilt
import 'package:flutter_tilt/flutter_tilt.dart';
child: Container(
width: 150.0,
height: 300.0,
color: Colors.grey,
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
child required |
Widget |
- | Create a widget that its child widget can be tilted. |
childLayout | ChildLayout |
ChildLayout() |
Other child layouts. e.g. parallax inner, outer, behind. |
disable | bool |
false |
Disable all effects. |
fps | int |
60 |
Gesture triggered frames. |
border | BoxBorder? |
null |
BoxDecoration border. |
borderRadius | BorderRadiusGeometry? |
null |
BoxDecoration borderRadius. |
clipBehavior | Clip |
Clip.antiAlias |
Flutter clipBehavior. |
tiltConfig | TiltConfig |
TiltConfig() |
Tilt effect config. |
lightConfig | LightConfig |
LightConfig() |
Light effect config. |
shadowConfig | ShadowConfig |
ShadowConfig() |
Shadow effect config. |
onGestureMove | void Function(TiltDataModel, GesturesType)? |
null |
Gesture move callback. |
onGestureLeave | void Function(TiltDataModel, GesturesType)? |
null |
Gesture leave callback. |
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
outer | List<Widget> |
<Widget>[] |
As with Stack, you can use the Stack layout to create widgets that are outer of the child. e.g. parallax effects. |
inner | List<Widget> |
<Widget>[] |
As with Stack, you can use the Stack layout to create widgets that are inner of the child. e.g. parallax effects. |
behind | List<Widget> |
<Widget>[] |
As with Stack, you can use the Stack layout to create widgets that are behind of the child. e.g. parallax effects. |
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
disable | bool |
false |
Only disable the tilt effect. |
initial | Offset? |
null |
Initial tilt progress, range (x, y): (1, 1) to (-1, -1) , you can exceed the range, but the maximum tilt angle during gesture movement is always tilted according to [TiltConfig.angle] . e.g. (0.0, 0.0) center (1.0, 1.0) Maximum tilt top left [TiltConfig.angle] . |
angle | double |
10.0 |
Maximum tilt angle. e.g. 180 will flip. |
direction | List<TiltDirection>? |
null |
Tilt Direction, multiple directions, customized direction values. |
enableRevert | bool |
true |
Enable Tilt Revert, will revert to the initial state. |
enableReverse | bool |
false |
Tilt reverse, can be tilted up or down. |
enableOutsideAreaMove | bool |
true |
Tilt can continue to be triggered outside the area. ( only when the pointer is pressed and moved ) |
enableMouseHover | bool |
true |
Mouse hover to trigger tilt. |
moveDuration | Duration |
Duration(milliseconds: 100) |
Animation duration during gesture move. |
leaveDuration | Duration |
Duration(milliseconds: 300) |
Animation duration after gesture leave. |
moveCurve | Curve |
Curves.linear |
Animation curve during gesture move. |
leaveCurve | Curve |
Curves.linear |
Animation curve after gesture leave. |
filterQuality | FilterQuality |
FilterQuality.high |
Flutter FilterQuality. |
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
disable | bool |
false |
Only disable the light effect. |
color | Color |
Color(0xFFFFFFFF) |
Light color. |
minIntensity | double |
0.0 |
Color minimum opacity, also initial opacity. |
maxIntensity | double |
0.5 |
Color maximum opacity for tilt progresses. |
direction | LightDirection |
LightDirection.around |
Light direction. Affects: [ShadowConfig.direction] (not affected after configuration). |
enableReverse | bool |
false |
Reverse light direction. Affects: [ShadowConfig.direction] (not affected after configuration). [ShadowConfig.enableReverse] (not affected after configuration). |
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
disable | bool |
false |
Only disable the shadow effect. |
color | Color |
Color(0xFF9E9E9E) |
Shadow color. |
minIntensity | double |
0.0 |
Color minimum opacity, also initial opacity. |
maxIntensity | double |
0.5 |
Color maximum opacity as tilt progresses. |
offsetInitial | Offset |
Offset(0.0, 0.0) |
Initial value of shadow offset (pixel). e.g. (0.0, 0.0) center. (40.0, 40.0) Offset 40 pixels to the top left. |
offsetFactor | double |
0.1 |
Shadow offset factor, relative to current widget size. |
spreadInitial | double |
0.0 |
Initial value of shadow spread radius (pixel). |
spreadFactor | double |
0.0 |
Shadow spread radius factor, relative to current widget size. |
minBlurRadius | double |
10.0 |
Minimum blur radius, also initial blur radius. |
maxBlurRadius | double |
20.0 |
Maximum blur radius for tilt progresses. |
direction | ShadowDirection? |
null |
Shadow direction. |
enableReverse | bool? |
null |
Reverse shadow direction. |
widget can only be used in the childLayout
of Tilt
/// Import flutter_tilt
import 'package:flutter_tilt/flutter_tilt.dart';
childLayout: const ChildLayout(
outer: [
/// Parallax here
child: TiltParallax(
child: Text('Parallax'),
/// Parallax here
top: 20.0,
left: 20.0,
child: TiltParallax(
size: Offset(-10.0, -10.0),
child: Text('Tilt'),
child: Container(
width: 150.0,
height: 300.0,
color: Colors.brown,
Parameter | Type | Default | Description |
child required |
Widget |
- | Create a widget with parallax. |
size | Offset |
Offset(10.0, 10.0) |
Parallax size (pixel). |
filterQuality | FilterQuality |
FilterQuality.high |
Flutter FilterQuality. |
Open sourced under the MIT license.
© AmosHuKe