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Flock: A Practical Serverless Streaming Query Engine

CI codecov CLA assistant License: AGPL v3

The generic lambda function code is built in advance and uploaded to AWS S3.

Lambda Function Code S3 Bucket S3 Key S3 URL
Nexmark Benchmark umd-flock nexmark

Build From Source Code

You can enable the features simd (to use SIMD instructions) and/or mimalloc or snmalloc (to use either the mimalloc or snmalloc allocator) as features by passing them in as --features:

$ cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --release --features "arrow/simd datafusion/simd  mimalloc"

Upgrade Cloud Function Services

flock-cli is an interactive command-line query tool for Flock.

$ cd target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/
$ ./flock-cli --help
Flock 0.1.0
Command Line Interactive Contoller for Flock

    flock-cli [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -v               Sets the level of verbosity
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -u, --upload <FILE>    Upload lambda execution code to S3.
    -k, --key <STRING>     AWS S3 key for this function code.

For example, you can use flock-cli in response to the uploading, updating, or deleting of the cloud functions in AWS S3.

# for example, upgrade the NexMark Benchmark for streaming processing
./flock-cli -u nexmark_lambda -k nexmark
/:y/` `  
       .+ssys+++/-`          `.----.`  
        ./oyyyo+++/:.`     `-/+++/-..`  
          -/osyso++++/:.` -/++/-`  
                `-:/+o++++++oo-                                `````             `  
                 `.-//++++++o/   `:++:::://   .:++:`        .:///////.       .://///+-   ./++:` .++/.  
                 ``..:+++++o+`     os`   -+     ss        `/+-`//. `-+/`   `+s:`   `o:    `so  `:+-  
                     :+++++/`      os`  --      ss        /o`  `+o`  `++   +s:      ``    `so .+:`  
                   `:+++++:        os:::o/      ss        o/   /+++`  :s   ss.            `ss/so`  
                 .:++++:.`         os`  --      ss     `  /o``+/``o/:`++   +s:      `     `so .oo.  
             `.:/++++/.            os`          ss    :+   /+:-`  .-:+/`   `+s:`    o/    `so  `+s:  
          .-----:/++-            `:++:-       .:++::::+/    .:++//++:.       ./++///+-   .:o+:`  :o/:  
          `.-:::-/:`                                            ``  

Flock: Serverless SQL Query Engine for Real-Time and Batch Analytics (

Copyright (c) 2020-2021, UMD Data System Group. All rights reserved.


         Upload function code to S3  

[UPLOAD] ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒... ... ... ...
[OK] Upload Succeed.

Nexmark Benchmark

All the following Nexmark queries share the same lambda function code.

Query Name Summary Flock
q0 Pass Through Measures the monitoring overhead including the source generator.
q1 Currency Conversion Convert each bid value from dollars to euros.
q2 Selection Find bids with specific auction ids and show their bid price.
q3 Local Item Suggestion Who is selling in OR, ID or CA in category 10, and for what auction ids?
q4 Average Price for a Category Select the average of the wining bid prices for all auctions in each category.
q5 Hot Items Which auctions have seen the most bids in the last period?
q6 Average Selling Price by Seller What is the average selling price per seller for their last 10 closed auctions.
q7 Highest Bid Select the bids with the highest bid price in the last period.
q8 Monitor New Users Select people who have entered the system and created auctions in the last period.
q9 Winning Bids Find the winning bid for each auction.
q13 Bounded Side Input Join Joins a stream to a bounded side input, modeling basic stream enrichment.

To execute q3 in the Nexmark benchmark, you can use nexmark_bench to issue the following command:

$ ./nexmark_bench --help

flock-benchmarks 0.1.0

    nexmark_bench [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --query <query>

    -d, --debug      Activate debug mode to see query results
    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    -e, --events_per_second <events-per-second>
            Number of events generated among generators per second [default: 100000]

    -g, --generators <generators>                  Number of threads or generators of each test run [default: 100]
    -q, --query <query>                            Query number
    -s, --seconds <seconds>                        Number of threads to use for parallel execution [default: 10]

$ RUST_LOG=info ./nexmark_bench  --query 3  -g 10 -s 2 --events_per_second 1000 --debug
Running benchmarks with the following options: NexmarkBenchmarkOpt { query: 3, debug: true, generators: 10, seconds: 2, events_per_second: 1000 }
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Create lambda function arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:942368842860:function:q3.
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Generating events for 2s over 10 partitions.
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Generate nexmark events.
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 1).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 2).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 0).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 6).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 4).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 7).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 5).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 8).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 9).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 0).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 1).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 2).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 3).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 4).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 3).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 5).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 6).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 8).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 9).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO  nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 7).
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(0)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(1)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(2)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(3)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(4)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(5)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(6)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(7)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(8)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(9)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(0)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(1)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(2)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(3)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(4)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(5)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(6)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(7)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(8)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO  nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(9)})

AWS gives you a personalized view of the status of the query execution (q3).


Copyright 2020 UMD Database Group. All Rights Reserved. The library, examples, and all source code are released under AGPL-3.0 License.