The generic lambda function code is built in advance and uploaded to AWS S3.
Lambda Function Code | S3 Bucket | S3 Key | S3 URL |
Nexmark Benchmark | umd-flock | nexmark | |
You can enable the features simd
(to use SIMD instructions) and/or mimalloc
or snmalloc
(to use either the mimalloc or snmalloc allocator) as features by passing them in as --features:
$ cargo build --target x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu --release --features "arrow/simd datafusion/simd mimalloc"
flock-cli is an interactive command-line query tool for Flock.
$ cd target/x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/
$ ./flock-cli --help
Flock 0.1.0
Command Line Interactive Contoller for Flock
flock-cli [FLAGS] [OPTIONS]
-h, --help Prints help information
-v Sets the level of verbosity
-V, --version Prints version information
-u, --upload <FILE> Upload lambda execution code to S3.
-k, --key <STRING> AWS S3 key for this function code.
For example, you can use flock-cli
in response to the uploading, updating, or deleting of the cloud functions in AWS S3.
# for example, upgrade the NexMark Benchmark for streaming processing
./flock-cli -u nexmark_lambda -k nexmark
/:y/` `
.+ssys+++/-` `.----.`
./oyyyo+++/:.` `-/+++/-..`
-/osyso++++/:.` -/++/-`
`-:/+o++++++oo- ````` `
`.-//++++++o/ `:++::::// .:++:` .:///////. .://///+- ./++:` .++/.
``..:+++++o+` os` -+ ss `/+-`//. `-+/` `+s:` `o: `so `:+-
:+++++/` os` -- ss /o` `+o` `++ +s: `` `so .+:`
`:+++++: os:::o/ ss o/ /+++` :s ss. `ss/so`
.:++++:.` os` -- ss ` /o``+/``o/:`++ +s: ` `so .oo.
`.:/++++/. os` ss :+ /+:-` .-:+/` `+s:` o/ `so `+s:
.-----:/++- `:++:- .:++::::+/ .:++//++:. ./++///+- .:o+:` :o/:
`.-:::-/:` ``
Flock: Serverless SQL Query Engine for Real-Time and Batch Analytics (
Copyright (c) 2020-2021, UMD Data System Group. All rights reserved.
Upload function code to S3
[UPLOAD] ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒... ... ... ...
[OK] Upload Succeed.
All the following Nexmark queries share the same lambda function code.
Query | Name | Summary | Flock |
q0 | Pass Through | Measures the monitoring overhead including the source generator. | ✅ |
q1 | Currency Conversion | Convert each bid value from dollars to euros. | ✅ |
q2 | Selection | Find bids with specific auction ids and show their bid price. | ✅ |
q3 | Local Item Suggestion | Who is selling in OR, ID or CA in category 10, and for what auction ids? | ✅ |
q4 | Average Price for a Category | Select the average of the wining bid prices for all auctions in each category. | ✅ |
q5 | Hot Items | Which auctions have seen the most bids in the last period? | ✅ |
q6 | Average Selling Price by Seller | What is the average selling price per seller for their last 10 closed auctions. | ✅ |
q7 | Highest Bid | Select the bids with the highest bid price in the last period. | ✅ |
q8 | Monitor New Users | Select people who have entered the system and created auctions in the last period. | ✅ |
q9 | Winning Bids | Find the winning bid for each auction. | ✅ |
q13 | Bounded Side Input Join | Joins a stream to a bounded side input, modeling basic stream enrichment. | ✅ |
To execute q3 in the Nexmark benchmark, you can use nexmark_bench
to issue the following command:
$ ./nexmark_bench --help
flock-benchmarks 0.1.0
nexmark_bench [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --query <query>
-d, --debug Activate debug mode to see query results
-h, --help Prints help information
-V, --version Prints version information
-e, --events_per_second <events-per-second>
Number of events generated among generators per second [default: 100000]
-g, --generators <generators> Number of threads or generators of each test run [default: 100]
-q, --query <query> Query number
-s, --seconds <seconds> Number of threads to use for parallel execution [default: 10]
$ RUST_LOG=info ./nexmark_bench --query 3 -g 10 -s 2 --events_per_second 1000 --debug
Running benchmarks with the following options: NexmarkBenchmarkOpt { query: 3, debug: true, generators: 10, seconds: 2, events_per_second: 1000 }
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Create lambda function arn:aws:lambda:us-east-1:942368842860:function:q3.
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO runtime::datasource::nexmark::nexmark] Generating events for 2s over 10 partitions.
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Generate nexmark events.
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 1).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 2).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 0).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 6).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 4).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 7).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 5).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 8).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 9).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 0).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 1).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 2).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 3).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 4).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 0, source: 3).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 5).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 6).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 8).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 9).
[2021-06-06T22:35:43Z INFO nexmark_bench] [OK] Send nexmark event (time: 1, source: 7).
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(0)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(1)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(2)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(3)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(4)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(5)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(6)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:44Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(7)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(8)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(0), "source": Number(9)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(0)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(1)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(2)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(3)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(4)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(5)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(6)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(7)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(8)})
[2021-06-06T22:35:45Z INFO nexmark_bench] Object({"name": String("q3"), "epoch": Number(1), "source": Number(9)})
AWS gives you a personalized view of the status of the query execution (q3
Copyright 2020 UMD Database Group. All Rights Reserved. The library, examples, and all source code are released under AGPL-3.0 License.