/Pop-treats-store |-- /public |-- index.html |-- favicon.ico |-- /src |-- /components |-- /Header |-- Header.js |-- header.css |-- /ProductList |-- ProductList.js |-- productList.css |-- /ProductItem |-- ProductItem.js |-- productItem.css |-- /Basket |-- Basket.js |-- basket.css |-- /Checkout |-- Checkout.js |-- checkout.css |-- /pages |-- HomePage.js |-- CheckoutPage.js |-- /utils |-- Products.js |-- App.js |-- index.js |-- app.css |-- package.json
{/* Uncomment the following block if you want to fetch data from the backend
{loading ? (
// Display loading indicator or placeholder while data is being fetched
) : ( // Map over the fetched products and render ProductItem components products.map(product => ( <ProductItem key={product.id} product={product} onAddToBasket={() => onAddToBasket(product)} /> )) )}