A modern, C++20-native, single-file header-only dense 2D matrix library.
- creating matrices
- basic operations
- built-in functions
- clone -- matrix slicing
- astype -- converting matrix value type
- data -- accessing raw memory
- det -- matrix determinant
- operator
- inverse
- save matrix to images with colormap
- save/load bmp
- save png
- save/load
- load npy
- plot
- generating fractional image
- minus equal
- multiply equal
- plus equal
- prefix
- Common mathematical functions -- elementwise
- Common functions
- iterations
- element-wise apply
- head->tail iteration
- tail->head iteration
- row iteration
- reversed row iteration
- column iteration
- reversed column iteration
- diagonal iteration
- reversed diagonal iteration
- upper diagonal iteration
- reversed upper diagonal iteration
- lower diagonal iteration
- reversed lower diagonal iteration
- anti-diagonal iteration
- reversed anti-diagonal iteration
- upper anti-diagonal iteration
- reversed upper anti-diagonal iteration
- lower anti-diagonal iteration
- reversed lower anti-diagonal iteration
#include "matrix.hpp"
g++ -o your_exe_file your_source_code.cpp -std=c++20 -O2 -pthread -lstdc++fs
Please note std::thread
is not enabled by default. If you prefer multi-thread mode, pass -DPARALLEL
option to compiler, and add necessary link options.
is used, make sure corresponding library option is passed during link time (-lstdc++fs
for g++).
Variadic macro __VA_OPT__
is used. It is officially supported since c++20(link1, link2), so the compiler must be compatible with c++20.
generating matrix
- creating a matrix of size
12 X 34
feng::matrix<double> m{ 12, 34 };
- creating a random matrix of size
12 X 34
, in range[0.0, 1.0]
auto rand = feng::rand<double>(12, 34);
- creating a matrix of size
12 X 34
, with all elements to be0
auto zero = feng::zeros<double>(12, 34);
- creating a matrix of size
12 X 34
, with all elements to be1
auto one = feng::ones<double>(12, 34);
- and
auto another_one = feng::ones_like( one );
- creating a matrix of size
12 X 34
, with all elements to be uninitialized:
auto one = feng::empty<double>(12, 34);
- converting value types
auto one_fp32 = feng::empty<float>(12, 34); auto one_fp64 = one_fp32.astype<double>(); //
- creating a matrix of size
1 X (12*34)
, with all elements from0
, then reshape to12 X 34
auto one = feng::arange<double>(12*34); one.reshape( 12, 34 );
- loading matrix from a local txt file
, the delimiter can be either of,
, the line end is\n
feng::matrix<double> mat; mat.load_txt( './mat.txt' );
- loading matrix from an opencv matrix instance with interface
cv::Mat M( 2, 2, CV_8UC3, cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255) ); std::cout << "OPENCV matrix:\n" << M << std::endl; feng::matrix<std::uint32_t> mat; mat.from_opencv( M ); std::cout << "Converted to feng::matrix:\n" << mat << std::endl;
This will produce output like:
OPENCV matrix: [ 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255; 0, 0, 255, 0, 0, 255] Converted to feng::matrix: 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255 0 0 255
However, to compile and link the code above, make sure to
- define the opencv guard by passing
option to the compiler (g++), - tell the compile where to find the opencv header files, for example, passing
pkg-config --cflags opencv4
to the compiler (g++), and - tell the linker which libraries to link against, for example, passing
pkg-config --libs opencv4
to the linker (g++). Or - compile and link in a single command, such as
g++ -o ./test_test -std=c++20 -Wall -Wextra -fmax-errors=1 -Ofast -flto=auto -funroll-all-loops -pipe -march=native -DPARALLEL -DOPENCV `pkg-config --cflags opencv4` -Wno-deprecated-enum-enum-conversion `pkg-config --libs opencv4` -pthread -lstdc++fs -Wl,--gc-sections -flto tests/test.cc
And to convert a matrix instance to opencv matrix:
cv::Mat m = mat.to_opencv( 3 );
in whcih the parameter
is for the image channels. By default this parameter is1
, and up to 4 channels are allowed. - creating a matrix of size
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0002_create.bmp" );
assert( m.row() == 64 );
assert( m.col() == 256 );
assert( m.size() == m.row() * m.col() );
auto const [r,c] = m.shape();
assert( r == m.row() );
assert( c == m.col() );
assert( 0 == m.row() );
assert( 0 == m.col() );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
for ( auto r = 12; r != 34; ++r )
for ( auto c = 34; c != 45; ++c )
m[r][c] = 1.0;
for ( auto r = 34; r != 45; ++r )
for ( auto c = 123; c != 234; ++c )
m(r, c) = -1.0;
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0019_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
int starter = 0;
double const keys[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 };
for ( auto& x : m )
int val = starter++ & 0x7;
x = keys[val];
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_access.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
for ( auto r = 12; r != 34; ++r )
for ( auto c = 12; c != 34; ++c )
m[r][c] = 1.0;
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0020_create.bmp" );
created matrix m:
feng::matrix<double> n = m; //copying
n.save_as_bmp( "./images/0021_create.bmp" );
copied matrix n:
n.resize( 63, 244 );
n.save_as_bmp( "./images/0022_create.bmp" );
resized matrix n:
m.reshape( m.col(), m.row() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0023_create.bmp" );
reshaped matrix m:
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::fill( m.upper_diag_begin(1), m.upper_diag_end(1), 1.0 );
std::fill( m.diag_begin(), m.diag_end(), 1.0 );
std::fill( m.lower_diag_begin(1), m.lower_diag_end(1), 1.0 );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_slicing.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> n{ m, 0, 32, 0, 64 };
n.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_slicing.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> p{ m, {16, 48}, {0, 64} };
p.save_as_bmp( "./images/0002_slicing.bmp" );
meshgrid returns 2-D grid coordinates based on the coordinates contained in interger x and y.
auto const& [X, Y] = feng::meshgrid( 3, 5 );
std::cout << X << std::endl;
std::cout << Y << std::endl;
This will produce
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 1 2
0 0 0
1 1 1
2 2 2
3 3 3
4 4 4
while the code below
auto const& [X, Y] = feng::meshgrid( 384, 512 );
X.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_meshgrid_x.bmp", "grey" );
Y.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_meshgrid_y.bmp", "grey" );
generates two images
arange<Type>([start, ]stop, [step, ])
Return evenly spaced row matrix within a given interval.
auto m = feng::arange<double>( 256*256 );
m.reshape( 256, 256 );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_arange.bmp" );
For an normal matrix m
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.begin(), m.end(), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_clip.bmp" );
it can be transformed to range [0, 1]
by applying sin
on it
m = feng::sin(m);
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_clip.bmp" );
then this matrix can be clipped to range [0.1, 0.9]
auto const& cm0 = feng::clip( 0.1, 0.9 )( m );
cm0.save_as_bmp( "./images/0002_clip.bmp" );
or even to range [0.4, 0.6]
auto const& cm1 = feng::clip( 0.4, 0.6 )( m );
cm1.save_as_bmp( "./images/0003_clip.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.begin(), m.end(), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_apply.bmp" );
before apply:
m.apply( [](auto& x) { x = std::sin(x); } );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_apply.bmp" );
after apply:
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.begin(), m.end(), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.rbegin(), m.rend(), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0006_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.row_begin(17), m.row_end(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.row_rbegin(17), m.row_rend(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0003_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.col_begin(17), m.col_end(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0004_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.col_rbegin(17), m.col_rend(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0003_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.diag_begin(), m.diag_end(), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0011_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.diag_rbegin(), m.diag_rend(), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0012_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.upper_diag_begin(17), m.upper_diag_end(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0007_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.upper_diag_rbegin(17), m.upper_diag_rend(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0008_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.lower_diag_begin(17), m.lower_diag_end(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0009_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.lower_diag_rbegin(17), m.lower_diag_rend(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0010_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.anti_diag_begin(), m.anti_diag_end(), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0017_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
iag_rbegin(), m.anti_diag_rend(), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0018_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.upper_anti_diag_begin(17), m.upper_anti_diag_end(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0013_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.upper_anti_diag_rbegin(17), m.upper_anti_diag_rend(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0014_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.lower_anti_diag_begin(17), m.lower_anti_diag_end(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0015_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.lower_anti_diag_rbegin(17), m.lower_anti_diag_rend(17), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0016_create.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::fill( m.diag_begin(), m.diag_end(), 1.1 );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_clone.bmp" );
matrix m:
auto n = m.clone( 0, 32, 0, 64 );
n.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_clone.bmp" );
m slicing of [0:32, 0:64]:
n.clone( m, 32, 64, 0, 64 );
n.save_as_bmp( "./images/0002_clone.bmp" );
m slicing of [32:64, 0:64]:
For a normal matrix such like
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.begin(), m.end(), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return std::sin(init); }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_astype.bmp" );
There are many colors in its visualization.
can convert it to 3
m = m * 2.0;
auto const& mm = m.astype<int>();
mm.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_astype.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_data.bmp" );
original matrix
auto ptr = m.data();
for ( auto idx = 0UL; idx != m.size(); ++idx )
ptr[idx] = std::sin( idx*idx*0.1 );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_data.bmp" );
after modification
feng::matrix<double> m{ 128, 128 };
std::generate( m.diag_begin(), m.diag_end(), [](){ double x = 0.9; return [x]() mutable { x+= 0.156; return x; }(); } );
double det1 = m.det();
double det2 = std::accumulate( m.diag_begin(), m.diag_end(), 1.0, []( double x, double y ){ return x*y; } );
std::cout << det1 << "\t:\t" << det2 << std::endl;
generated output is
1069.00941294551 : 1069.0094129455
auto m = feng::rand<double>( 197, 197 );
auto n = m;
n /= 2.0;
m /= n;
m.save_as_bmp( "images/0000_divide_equal.bmp" );
auto const& m = feng::rand<double>( 128, 128 );
auto const& n = m.inverse();
auto const& identity = m * n;
identity.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_inverse.bmp" );
Here we demonstrate how to save matrix to images with specified colormap. There are 18 builtin colormaps:
- autumn
- bluehot
- bone
- cool
- copper
- default
- gray
- hotblue
- hot
- hsv
- jet
- lines
- obscure
- parula
- pink
- spring
- summer
- winter
- gray
First we load the matrix from a '.txt' file
feng::matrix<double> m;
m.load_txt( "./images/Lenna.txt" );
Then we can save this matrix to a '.bmp' file with default
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_default.bmp" );
The default
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_parula.bmp", "parula" );
The parula
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_bluehot.bmp", "bluehot" );
The bluehot
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_hotblue.bmp", "hotblue" );
The hotblue
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_jet.bmp", "jet" );
The jet
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_obscure.bmp", "obscure" );
The obscure
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_gray.bmp", "gray" );
The gray
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_hsv.bmp", "hsv" );
The hsv
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_hot.bmp", "hot" );
The hot
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_cool.bmp", "cool" );
The cool
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_spring.bmp", "spring" );
The spring
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_summer.bmp", "summer" );
The summer
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_autumn.bmp", "autumn" );
The autumn
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_winter.bmp", "winter" );
The winter
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_bone.bmp", "bone" );
The bone
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_copper.bmp", "copper" );
The copper
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_pink.bmp", "pink" );
The pink
image looks like:
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_lines.bmp", "lines" );
The lines
image looks like:
For sparse data such as particles, it is highly recommended to use colormap bluehot
feng::matrix<double> m;
m.load_txt( "./images/star.txt" );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_star_bluehot.bmp", "bluehot" );
The starry image generate is demonstrated below:
To load an image from a txt file, we can use .load_txt
feng::matrix<double> m;
m.load_txt( "./images/Lenna.txt" );
m.save_as_txt( "./images/0000_save_load.txt" );
m.save_as_binary( "./images/0000_save_load.bin" );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_save_load.bmp" );
The image loaded is
feng::matrix<double> n;
n.load_txt( "./images/0000_save_load.txt" );
n.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_save_load.bmp" );
n.load_binary( "./images/0000_save_load.bin" );
n.save_as_pgm( "./images/0002_save_load.pgm" );
Loading a matrix created by numpy
is straightforward:
feng::matrix<double> mat;
mat.load_npy( "./images/64.npy");
To load an image from a bmp file, we can use feng::load_bmp
function, which will return an oject of type std::optional<std::array<feng::matrix<std::uint8_t>,3>>
std::optional<std::array<matrix<std::uint8_t>,3>> load_bmp( std::string const& file_path ) {...}
We first generate an image of Lenna:
feng::matrix<double> m;
m.load_txt( "./images/Lenna.txt" );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/Lenna.bmp", "gray" );
which looks like:
Then we can try to load it directly:
auto const& mat_3 = feng::load_bmp( "./images/Lenna.bmp" );
if successfull, ``mat_3with hold a channel-first image. To access
mat_3` we need to verify it is accessible first by:
if ( mat_3 )
Then we can visualize its red channel:
(*mat_3)[0].save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_save_load_julia_red.bmp", "gray" );
green channel:
(*mat_3)[1].save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_save_load_julia_green.bmp", "gray" );
and blue channel:
(*mat_3)[2].save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_save_load_julia_blue.bmp", "gray" );
It is possible to save matrix as a png file the same way as bmp
m.save_as_png( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_default.png" );
m.save_as_png( "./images/0000_save_with_colormap_parula.png", "parula" );
feng::matrix<double> image;
image.load_txt( "images/Lenna.txt" );
image.save_as_bmp("images/0000_minus_equal.bmp", "gray");
double const min = *std::min_element( image.begin(), image.end() );
image -= min;
image.save_as_bmp("images/0001_minus_equal.bmp", "jet");
image -= image;
is an alias name of save_as_bmp
feng::matrix<double> m;
m.load_txt( "./images/Lenna.txt" );
m.plot( "./images/0000_plot_default.bmp" );
m.plot( "./images/0000_plot_jet.bmp", "jet" );
Having plot
method implemented, it is convenient to plot a juliet set to an image.
The polynomial function is:
f_c(z) = z^n + c
Suppose we have the ranges of z, the x and y coordinates in a 2D image, the power n and the constant c, we can generate an image like this
auto make_julia_set( std::complex<double> const& lower_left, std::complex<double> const& upper_right, std::complex<double>const& cval, unsigned long const dim = 1024, unsigned long const iterations = 1024, unsigned long const powers = 2 )
std::complex<double> spacing_ratio{ (std::real(upper_right)-std::real(lower_left)) / static_cast<double>(dim),
(std::imag(upper_right)-std::imag(lower_left)) / static_cast<double>(dim) };
feng::matrix<std::complex<double>> cmat{ dim, dim };
for ( auto r = 0UL; r != dim; ++r )
for ( auto c = 0UL; c != dim; ++c )
cmat[r][c] = std::complex<double>{ static_cast<double>(r), static_cast<double>(c) };
auto const& converter = [&spacing_ratio, &lower_left, &upper_right, iterations, powers, &cval]( std::complex<double>& c )
std::complex<double> z = lower_left + std::complex<double>{ std::real(spacing_ratio)*std::real(c), std::imag(spacing_ratio)*std::imag(c) };
c = std::complex<double>{ static_cast<double>(iterations), 0 };
for ( auto idx = 0UL; idx != iterations; ++idx )
z = std::pow( z, powers ) + cval;
if ( std::abs(z) > 2.0 )
c = std::complex<double>{ static_cast<double>(idx), 0 };
cmat.apply( converter );
return feng::real(cmat);
where the lower_left
and upper_right
defines the size of the canvas, the cval
is for the constant c, the dim
gives the sampling density, the iterations
gives the maximum value in the sampled positions, and the powers
for the maximum order of the polinomial.
Then we are able to generate a series of the fractional images:
unsigned long const n = 32;
for ( unsigned r = 0; r != n; ++r )
for ( unsigned c = 0; c != n; ++c )
std::complex<double> zc{ double(r)/n*1.8-0.9, double(c)/n*1.8-0.9 };
auto&& mat = make_julia_set( std::complex<double>{-1.5, -1.0}, std::complex<double>{1.5, 1.0}, zc, 1024, 1024, 4 );
std::string file_name = std::string{"./images/julia_set_4/0001_julia_set_"} + std::to_string(r) + std::string{"-"} + std::to_string(c) + std::string{".bmp"};
mat.save_as_bmp( file_name, "tealhot" );
A typical result image looks like this:
auto m = feng::rand( 127, 127 );
m *= m.inverse();
feng::matrix<double> image;
image.load_txt( "images/Lenna.txt" );
image.save_as_bmp("images/0000_plus_equal.bmp", "gray");
double const mn = *std::min_element( image.begin(), image.end() );
double const mx = *std::max_element( image.begin(), image.end() );
image = (image - mn)/(mx - mn);
auto const& noise = feng::rand<double>( image.row(), image.col() );
image += 0.1*noise;
image.save_as_bmp("images/0001_plus_equal.bmp", "gray");
auto const& m = feng::random<double>( 127, 127 );
auto const& pp = +m;
auto const& pm = -m;
auto const& shoule_be_zero = pp + pm;
Most common mathematical functions are supported as elementwise matrix operator. Here only sin
and sinh
are demonstrated
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.begin(), m.end(), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_sin.bmp" );
m = feng::sin(m);
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_sin.bmp" );
feng::matrix<double> m{ 64, 256 };
std::generate( m.begin(), m.end(), [](){ double init = 0.0; return [init]() mutable { init += 0.1; return init/500.0; }; }() );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_sinh.bmp" );
m = feng::sinh(m);
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_sinh.bmp" );
auto const& m = feng::eye<double>( 128, 128 );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_eye.bmp" );
auto const& m = feng::linspace<double>( 1, 10, 10 );
std::cout << "linspace<double>(1, 10, 10):\n" << m << std::endl;
gives out an array of size 1 x 10:
linspace(1, 10, 10): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
auto const& m = feng::linspace<double>( 1, 10, 10, false );
std::cout << "linspace<double>(1, 10, 10, false):\n" << m << std::endl;
gives out an array of size 1 x 9:
linspace(1, 10, 10, false): 1 1.89999999999999991 2.79999999999999982 3.69999999999999973 4.59999999999999964 5.5 6.40000000000000036 7.30000000000000071 8.20000000000000107 9.10000000000000142
And the prototype of linspace
matrix<T> linspace( T start, T stop, const std::uint_least64_t num = 50ULL, bool end_point=true )
Calling magic
method is quite straightforward:
std::cout << "Magic 3\n" << feng::magic( 3 ) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Magic 4\n" << feng::magic( 4 ) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Magic 5\n" << feng::magic( 5 ) << std::endl;
std::cout << "Magic 6\n" << feng::magic( 6 ) << std::endl;
This will produce a series of magic matrices:
Magic 3
8 1 6
3 5 7
4 9 2
Magic 4
16 3 2 13
5 10 11 8
9 6 7 12
4 15 14 1
Magic 5
17 24 1 8 15
23 5 7 14 16
4 6 13 20 22
10 12 19 21 3
11 18 25 2 9
Magic 6
32 29 4 1 24 21
30 31 2 3 22 23
12 9 17 20 28 25
10 11 18 19 26 27
13 16 33 36 8 5
14 15 34 35 6 7
Also we can expand it a bit to do a better visualization:
unsigned long n = 38;
unsigned long pixs = 16;
auto const& mat = feng::magic( n );
feng::matrix<double> v_mat( n*pixs, n*pixs );
for ( auto r = 0UL; r != n; ++r )
for ( auto c = 0UL; c != n; ++c )
for ( auto rr = 0UL; rr != pixs; ++rr )
for ( auto cc = 0UL; cc != pixs; ++cc )
v_mat[r*pixs+rr][c*pixs+cc] = mat[r][c];
This produces an image looks like:
feng::matrix<double> m;
m.load_txt( "./images/Lenna.txt" );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_conv.bmp", "gray" );
Full 2D matrix convolution with zero-paddings is given by conv
or conv2
feng::matrix<double> filter{3, 3, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
1.0,-4.0, 1.0,
0.0, 1.0, 0.0}};
auto const& edge = feng::conv( m, filter );
edge.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_conv.bmp", "gray" );
The convolution has three modes: valid
, same
, and full
The valid mode gives out convolution result without zero-paddings:
auto const& edge_valid = feng::conv( m, filter, "valid" );
edge_valid.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_conv_valid.bmp", "gray" );
The same
mode returns the central part of the convolution result with zero-paddings, of the same size as the larger matrix passed to function conv
auto const& edge_same = feng::conv( m, filter, "same" );
edge_same.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_conv_same.bmp", "gray" );
mode is the default mode:
auto const& edge_full = feng::conv( m, filter, "full" );
edge_full.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_conv_full.bmp", "gray" );
feng::matrix<double> m;
m.load_txt( "./images/Lenna.txt" );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_make_view.bmp" );
auto const[r,c] = m.shape();
auto const& v = feng::make_view( m, {r>>2, (r>>2)*3}, {c>>2, (c>>2)*3} );
v.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_make_view.bmp" );
And creating new matrix from a view
auto new_matrix{v};
new_matrix.save_as_bmp( "./images/0002_make_view.bmp" );
A matrix view has several methods, row()
, col()
, shape()
and operator[]()
feng::matrix<double> n{ v.row(), v.col() }; // row() and col() of a matrix view
for ( auto r = 0UL; r != n.row(); ++r )
for ( auto c = 0UL; c != n.col(); ++c )
n[r][c] = v[r][c]; // accessing matrix elements using operator [], read-only
n.save_as_bmp( "./images/0003_make_view.bmp", "gray" );
We first Load an image from hardisk and normalize it to range [0,1]
// load
feng::matrix<double> m;
m.load_txt( "./images/Teacher.txt" );
// normalize
auto const mx = *std::max_element( m.begin(), m.end() );
auto const mn = *std::min_element( m.begin(), m.end() );
m = ( m - mn ) / ( mx - mn + 1.0e-10 );
// take a snapshot
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_singular_value_decomposition.bmp", "gray" );
This image looks like:
Then we add some white noise to remove possible singularity in it:
// adding noise
auto const[r, c] = m.shape();
m += feng::rand<double>( r, c );
// record noisy matrix
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_singular_value_decomposition.bmp", "gray" );
The noisy image now looks like
We execute Singular Value Decomposition by calling function std::optional<std::tuple<matrix, matrix, matrix>> singular_value_decomposition( matrix const& )
, or svd
// execute svd
auto const& svd = feng::singular_value_decomposition( m );
If the svd is successfully, we can verify the accuricy by reconstructing the noisy image by matrix multiplications
// check svd result
if (svd) // case successful
// extracted svd result matrices, u, v w
auto const& [u, v, w] = (*svd);
// try to reconstruct matrix using u * v * w'
auto const& m_ = u * v * (w.transpose());
// record reconstructed matrix
m_.save_as_bmp( "./images/0002_singular_value_decomposition.bmp", "gray" );
The reconstructed image looks like:
One interesting application of SVD is data compression. In the code above, we use full rank to restore the original noisy image. However, we can select only 1/2 or 1/4 or even less ranks to approximate the original image. The code below demonstrates how:
auto dm = std::min( r, c );
auto factor = 2UL;
while ( dm >= factor )
auto new_dm = dm / factor;
feng::matrix<double> const new_u{ u, std::make_pair(0UL, r), std::make_pair(0UL, new_dm) };
feng::matrix<double> const new_v{ v, std::make_pair(0UL, new_dm), std::make_pair(0UL, new_dm) };
feng::matrix<double> const new_w{ w, std::make_pair(0UL, c), std::make_pair(0UL, new_dm) };
auto const& new_m = new_u * new_v * new_w.transpose();
new_m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0003_singular_value_decomposition_"+std::to_string(new_dm)+".bmp", "gray" );
factor *= 2UL;
std::cout << "Failed to execute Singular Value Decomposition for this matrix!\n";
When using 256
ranks, the reconstructed image lookes like:
When using 128
ranks, the reconstructed image lookes like:
When using 64
ranks, the reconstructed image lookes like:
When using 32
ranks, the reconstructed image lookes like:
When using 16
ranks, the reconstructed image lookes like:
When using 8
ranks, the reconstructed image lookes like:
When using 4
ranks, the reconstructed image lookes like:
When using 2
ranks, the reconstructed image lookes like:
When using 1
ranks, the reconstructed image lookes like:
We are able to pooling an image with function pooling( matrix, dim_row, dim_col, option )
, where option
can be either of mean
, max
, or min
, if no option provided, then mean
is applied.
For an normal image
feng::matrix<double> m;
m.load_txt( "./images/Lenna.txt" );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_pooling.bmp", "gray" );
A 2X2
mean pooling looks like:
auto const& pooling_2 = feng::pooling( m, 2 );
pooling_2.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_pooling_2.bmp", "gray" );
And a 4X4
pooling is
auto const& pooling_4 = feng::pooling( m, 4 );
pooling_4.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_pooling_4.bmp", "gray" );
For hyterdyne pooling of 2X4
auto const& pooling_2_4 = feng::pooling( m, 2, 4 );
pooling_2_4.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_pooling_2_4.bmp", "gray" );
And 4X2
auto const& pooling_4_2 = feng::pooling( m, 4, 2 );
pooling_4_2.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_pooling_4_2.bmp", "gray" );
Also min
pooling is possible
auto const& pooling_min = feng::pooling( m, 2, "min" );
pooling_min.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_pooling_2_min.bmp", "gray" );
And max
auto const& pooling_max = feng::pooling( m, 2, "max" );
pooling_max.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_pooling_2_max.bmp", "gray" );
for a random matrix
auto const& m = feng::rand<double>( 64, 128);
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_gauss_jordan_elimination.bmp", "gray" );
auto const& n = feng::gauss_jordan_elimination( m ); //<- also `feng::rref(m);`, alias name from Matlab
if (n)
(*n).save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_gauss_jordan_elimination.bmp", "gray" );
std::cout << "Failed to execute Gauss-Jordan Elimination for matrix m.\n";
after applying Gauss Jordan elimination, the matrix is reduced to a form of
We load a Lena from harddisk file ./images/Lenna.txt
using function load_txt(std::string const&)
// initial matrix
feng::matrix<double> m;
m.load_txt( "./images/Lenna.txt" );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0000_lu_decomposition.bmp", "gray" );
The loaded image lookes like below:
Then we scale this image to range [0,1]
and add some uniform random noise to it (to remove singularity of the original image)
// adding noise
double mn = *std::min_element( m.begin(), m.end() );
double mx = *std::max_element( m.begin(), m.end() );
m = (m-mn) / (mx - mn + 1.0e-10);
auto const& [row, col] = m.shape();
m += feng::rand<double>( row, col );
m.save_as_bmp( "./images/0001_lu_decomposition.bmp", "gray" );
The noised image lookes like:
we can do LU decomposition simply with std::optional<std::tuple<matrix, matrix>>lu_decomposition( matrix const& )
// lu decomposition
auto const& lu = feng::lu_decomposition( m );
if (lu)
auto const& [l, u] = lu.value();
l.save_as_bmp( "./images/0002_lu_decomposition.bmp", "jet" );
the result of the LU decompositon is a Maybe monad of a tuple of two matrices, i.e., std::optional<std::tuple<feng::matrix<Type, Allocator>, feng::matrix<Type, Allocator>>>
therefor, we need to check its value before using it.
Then we can draw the lower matrix L
u.save_as_bmp( "./images/0003_lu_decomposition.bmp", "jet" );
And the upper matrix U
auto const& reconstructed = l * u;
reconstructed.save_as_bmp( "./images/0004_lu_decomposition.bmp", "gray" );
We can multiply L
and U
back to see if the decomposition is correct or not.
std::cout << "Error: Failed to execute lu decomposition for matrix m!\n";
A typical use of LU Decomposition is to solve an equation in the form of Ax=b
this is done by calling auto const& x = feng::lu_solver(A,b)
, and, again, the returned value is a Maybe monad, std::optional<matrix> lu_solver( matrix const&, matrix const& )
therefore we need to check its value before using it.
auto const X = feng::rand<double>( row, 1 );
auto const b = m * X;
auto const& ox = feng::lu_solver( m, b );
if (ox)
auto const& diff = ox.value() - X;
auto const mae = std::sqrt( std::inner_product(diff.begin(), diff.end(), diff.begin(), 0.0) / diff.size() );
std::cout << "mean absolute error for lu solver is " << mae << "\n";
std::cout << "Error: Failed to solve equation with lu solver!\n";
And we can also evaluate the solver's accuracy with the mean absolute value error; the output as small as
mean absolute error for lu solver is 2.34412875135465e-10
Copyright <2018> <Feng Wang>
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
3. Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission.
This library only depends on a C++-20 standard compiler.
This is a single-file header-only library. Put matrix.hpp
directly into the project source tree or somewhere reachable from your project.
Simple execute make
or make test
or make example
at the root folder.
In the table below, M
denotes a matrix of type T
using allocator of type A
, m
is a value of type A
, a
and b
denote values of type M
, u
denotes an identifier, r
denotes a non-constant value of type M
, and rv
denotes a non-const rvalue of type M
Expression | ReturnType | Operational Sematics | Assertion, pre-/post-condition | Complexity |
M::value_type |
T |
T is Erasable from M |
compile time | |
M::reference |
T& |
compile time | ||
M::const_reference |
T cosnt& |
compile time | ||
M::difference_type |
signed integer type | identical to the difference type of M::iterator and M::const_iterator |
compile time | |
M::size_type |
unsigned integer type | any type that can represent non-negative value of difference_type |
compile time | |
M::allocator_type |
A |
M::allocator_type::value_type is identical to M::value_type |
compile time | |
M::iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements, convertible to M::const_iterator |
compile time | |
M::reverse_iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<iterator> |
compile time | |
M::const_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements | compile time | |
M::const_reverse_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<const_iterator> |
compile time | |
M::row_iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements, convertible to M::const_row_iterator |
compile time | |
M::reverse_row_iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<row_iterator> |
compile time | |
M::const_row_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements | compile time | |
M::const_reverse_row_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<const_row_iterator> |
compile time | |
M::col_iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements, convertible to M::const_col_iterator |
compile time | |
M::reverse_col_iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<col_iterator> |
compile time | |
M::const_col_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements | compile time | |
M::const_reverse_col_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<const_col_iterator> |
compile time | |
M::diag_iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements, convertible to M::const_diag_iterator |
compile time | |
M::reverse_diag_iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<diag_iterator> |
compile time | |
M::const_diag_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements | compile time | |
M::const_reverse_diag_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<const_diag_iterator> |
compile time | |
M::diag_iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements, convertible to M::const_diag_iterator |
compile time | |
M::reverse_diag_iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<diag_iterator> |
compile time | |
M::const_diag_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements | compile time | |
M::const_reverse_diag_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<const_diag_iterator> |
compile time | |
M::anti_diag_iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements, convertible to M::const_anti_diag_iterator |
compile time | |
M::reverse_anti_diag_iterator |
iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<anti_diag_iterator> |
compile time | |
M::const_anti_diag_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
any iterator category that meets the RandomAccessIterator requirements | compile time | |
M::const_reverse_anti_diag_iterator |
constant iterator type whose value type is T |
reverse_iterator<const_anti_diag_iterator> |
compile time | |
namespace xxx
template < typename T, class Allocator = allocator<T> >
struct matrix
typedef T value_type;
typedef Allocator allocator_type;
typedef value_type& reference;
typedef value_type const& const_reference;
typedef implementation-defined iterator;
typedef implementation-defined const_iterator;
typedef implementation-defined row_iterator;
typedef implementation-defined const_row_iterator;
typedef implementation-defined col_iterator;
typedef implementation-defined const_col_iterator;
typedef implementation-defined diag_iterator;
typedef implementation-defined const_diag_iterator;
typedef implementation-defined anti_diag_iterator;
typedef implementation-defined const_anti_diag_iterator;
typedef implementation-defined size_type;
typedef implementation-defined difference_type;
typedef typename allocator_trait<allocator_type>::pointer pointer;
typedef typename allocator_trait<allocator_type>::const_pointer const_pointer;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<iterator> reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_iterator> const_reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<row_iterator> row_reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_row_iterator> const_row_reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<col_iterator> col_reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_col_iterator> const_col_reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<diag_iterator> diag_reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_diag_iterator> const_diag_reverse_terator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<anti_diag_iterator> anti_diag_reverse_iterator;
typedef std::reverse_iterator<const_anti_diag_iterator> const_anti_diag_reverse_terator;
// construct, copy and destroy
matrix() noexcept;
explicit matrix ( allocator_type const& ) noexcept;
explicit matrix ( size_type row_, size_type col_, allocator_type const& = Allocator() );
matrix( matrix const& );
matrix( matrix&& ) noexcept;
matrix( matrix const&, allocator_type const& );
matrix( matrix&&, allocator_type const& );
matrix& operator = ( matrix const& );
matrix& operator = ( matrix && ) noexcept( allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value || allocator_traits<allocator_type>::is_always_equal::value );
allocator_type get_allocator() const noexcept;
iterator begin() noexcept;
const_iterator begin() const noexcept;
iterator end() noexcept;
const_iterator end() const noexcept;
row_iterator row_begin(size_type) noexcept;
const_row_iterator row_begin(size_type) const noexcept;
row_iterator row_end(size_type) noexcept;
const_row_iterator row_end(size_type) const noexcept;
col_iterator col_begin(size_type) noexcept;
const_col_iterator col_begin(size_type) const noexcept;
col_iterator col_end(size_type) noexcept;
const_col_iterator col_end(size_type) const noexcept;
diag_iterator diag_begin(difference_type) noexcept;
const_diag_iterator diag_begin(difference_type) const noexcept;
diag_iterator diag_end(difference_type) noexcept;
const_diag_iterator diag_end(difference_type) const noexcept;
//reverse iterators
reverse_iterator rbegin() noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator rbegin() const noexcept;
reverse_iterator rend() noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator rend() const noexcept;
row_reverse_iterator row_rbegin(size_type) noexcept;
const_row_reverse_iterator row_rbegin(size_type) const noexcept;
row_reverse_iterator row_rend(size_type) noexcept;
const_row_reverse_iterator row_rend(size_type) const noexcept;
col_reverse_iterator col_rbegin(size_type) noexcept;
const_col_reverse_iterator col_rbegin(size_type) const noexcept;
col_reverse_iterator col_rend(size_type) noexcept;
const_col_reverse_iterator col_rend(size_type) const noexcept;
diag_reverse_iterator diag_rbegin(difference_type) noexcept;
const_diag_reverse_iterator diag_rbegin(difference_type) const noexcept;
diag_reverse_iterator diag_rend(difference_type) noexcept;
const_diag_reverse_iterator diag_rend(difference_type) const noexcept;
//const iterators
const_iterator cbegin() const noexcept;
const_iterator cend() const noexcept;
const_row_iterator row_cbegin(size_type) const noexcept;
const_row_iterator row_cend(size_type) const noexcept;
const_col_iterator col_cbegin(size_type) const noexcept;
const_col_iterator col_cend(size_type) const noexcept;
const_diag_iterator diag_cbegin(difference_type) const noexcept;
const_diag_iterator diag_cend(difference_type) const noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator crbegin() const noexcept;
const_reverse_iterator crend() const noexcept;
const_row_reverse_iterator row_crbegin(size_type) const noexcept;
const_row_reverse_iterator row_crend(size_type) const noexcept;
const_col_reverse_iterator col_crbegin(size_type) const noexcept;
const_col_reverse_iterator col_crend(size_type) const noexcept;
const_diag_reverse_iterator diag_crbegin(difference_type) const noexcept;
const_diag_reverse_iterator diag_crend(difference_type) const noexcept;
//capacity and shape
size_type size() const noexcept;
size_type row() const noexcept;
size_type col() const noexcept;
void resize( size_type row_, size_type col_ );
void resize( size_type row_, size_type col_, value_type const& value_ );
void reshape( size_type row_, size_type col_ );
void transpose();
//element access
iterator operator[](size_type row_ );
const_iterator operator[](size_type row_ ) const; //TODO
reference operator()( size_type row_, size_type col_ );
const_reference operator()( size_type row_, size_type col_ ) const;
reference at( size_type row_, size_type col_ );
const_reference at( size_type row_, size_type col_ ) const;
//data access
pointer data() noexcept;
const_pointer data() const noexcept;
void clean() noexcept;
void swap( matrix& ) noexcept( allocator_traits<allocator_type>::propagate_on_container_move_assignment::value || allocator_traits<allocator_type>::is_always_equal::value );
//loader, saver and ploter
void load( string const& file_name_ );
void save_as( string const& file_name_ );
void plot( string const& file_name_ ) const;
void plot( string const& file_name_, string const& builtin_color_scheme_name_ ) const;
//unary operators
matrix const operator+() const;
matrix const operator-() const;
matrix const operator~() const;
matrix const operator~() const; //bool only
//computed assignment
//TODO: return optional<matrix>?
matrix& operator*=( matrix const& );
matrix& operator/=( matrix const& );
matrix& operator+=( matrix const& );
matrix& operator-=( matrix const& );
matrix& operator*=( value_type const );
matrix& operator/=( value_type const );
matrix& operator%=( value_type const );
matrix& operator+=( value_type const );
matrix& operator-=( value_type const );
matrix& operator^=( value_type const );
matrix& operator&=( value_type const );
matrix& operator|=( value_type const );
matrix& operator<<=( value_type const );
matrix& operator>>=( value_type const );
//basic numeric operations
value_type det() const;
value_type tr() const;
//building functions
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const make_eye( size_type row_, size_type col_, A const& alloc_ );
template< typename T > matrix<T,std::allocator<T>> const make_eye( size_type row_, size_type col_ );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const make_zeros( size_type row_, size_type col_, A const& alloc_ );
template< typename T > matrix<T,std::allocator<T>> const make_zeros( size_type row_, size_type col_ );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const make_ones( size_type row_, size_type col_, A const& alloc_ );
template< typename T > matrix<T,std::allocator<T>> const make_ones( size_type row_, size_type col_ );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const make_diag( matrix<T,A> const );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const make_triu( matrix<T,A> const );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const make_tril( matrix<T,A> const );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const make_rand( size_type row_, size_type col_, A const& alloc_ );
template< typename T > matrix<T,std::allocator<T>> const make_rand( size_type row_, size_type col_ );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const make_hilb( size_type n_, A const& alloc_ );
template< typename T > matrix<T,std::allocator<T>> const make_hilb( size_type n_ );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const make_magic( size_type n_, A const& alloc_ );
template< typename T > matrix<T,std::allocator<T>> const make_magic( size_type n_ );
template< typename T, typename A, typename Input_Itor_1, typename Input_Iterator_2 > matrix<T, A> const make_toeplitz( Input_Iterator_1 begin_, Input_Iterator_1 end_, Input_Iterator_2 begin_2_, A const alloc_ );
template< typename T, typename A, typename Input_Itor > matrix<T, A> const make_toeplitz( Input_Iterator begin_, Input_Iterator end_, A const alloc_ );
template< typename T, typename Input_Itor_1, typename Input_Iterator_2 > const matrix<T, std::allocator<T> > make_toeplitz( Input_Iterator_1 begin_, Input_Iterator_1 end_, Input_Iterator_2 begin_2_ ):
template< typename T, typename Input_Itor > matrix<T, std::allocator<T>> const make_toeplitz( Input_Iterator begin_, Input_Iterator end_ );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const make_horizontal_cons( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const make_vertical_cons( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
//binary operation
//TODO: return optional<matrix>?
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator * ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator * ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator * ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator / ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator / ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator / ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator + ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator + ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator + ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator - ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator - ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator - ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator % ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator ^ ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator & ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator | ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator << ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<T,A> const operator >> ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > std::ostream& operator << ( std::ostream&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > std::istream& operator << ( std::istream&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator == ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator == ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator == ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator != ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator != ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator != ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator >= ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator >= ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator >= ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator <= ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator <= ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator <= ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator > ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator > ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator > ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator < ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator < ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator < ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator && ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator && ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator && ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator || ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator || ( matrix<T,A> const&, T const& );
template< typename T, typename A > matrix<bool,std::allocator_traits<A>::rebind_alloc<bool> > const operator || ( T const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
//numeric functions
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const element_wise_apply ( matrix<T,A> const&, F const& f_ );
//Linear Equations
//mldivide Solve systems of linear equations Ax = B for x
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const mldivide ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
//mrdivide Solve systems of linear equations xA = B for x
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const mrdivide ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
//linsolve Solve linear system of equations
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const mrdivide ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
//inv Matrix inverse
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const inv ( matrix<T,A> const& );
//pinv Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse of matrix
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const pinv ( matrix<T,A> const& );
//lscov Least-squares solution in presence of known covariance
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const lscov ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const lscov ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
//lsqnonneg Solve nonnegative linear least-squares problem
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const lsqnonneg ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const lsqnonneg ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
//sylvester Solve Sylvester equation AX + XB = C for X
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const sylvester ( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
//Eigenvalues ans Singular Values
//eig Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > std::tuple<matrix<T,A>,matrix<T,A>> const eig( matrix<T,A> const& );
//eigs Subset of eigenvalues and eigenvectors -- TODO
//balance Diagonal scaling to improve eigenvalue accuracy
//svd Singular value decomposition
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > std::tuple<matrix<T,A>,matrix<T,A>,matrix<T,A>> const svd( matrix<T,A> const& );
//svds Subset of singular values and vectors -- TODO
//gsvd Generalized singular value decomposition
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > std::tuple<matrix<T,A>,matrix<T,A>,matrix<T,A>,matrix<T,A>> const gsvd( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
//ordeig Eigenvalues of quasitriangular matrices
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const ordeig( matrix<T,A> const& );
template< typename T, typename A, typename F > matrix<T,A> const ordeig( matrix<T,A> const&, matrix<T,A> const& );
//linear algebra
ordqz Reorder eigenvalues in QZ factorization
ordschur Reorder eigenvalues in Schur factorization
polyeig Polynomial eigenvalue problem
qz QZ factorization for generalized eigenvalues
hess Hessenberg form of matrix
schur Schur decomposition
rsf2csf Convert real Schur form to complex Schur form
cdf2rdf Convert complex diagonal form to real block diagonal form
lu LU matrix factorization
ldl Block LDL' factorization for Hermitian indefinite matrices
chol Cholesky factorization
cholupdate Rank 1 update to Cholesky factorization
qr Orthogonal-triangular decomposition
qrdelete Remove column or row from QR factorization
qrinsert Insert column or row into QR factorization
qrupdate Rank 1 update to QR factorization
planerot Givens plane rotation
transpose Transpose vector or matrix
ctranspose Complex conjugate transpose
mtimes Matrix Multiplication
mpower Matrix power
sqrtm Matrix square root
expm Matrix exponential
logm Matrix logarithm
funm Evaluate general matrix function
kron Kronecker tensor product
cross Cross product
dot Dot product
bandwidth Lower and upper matrix bandwidth
tril Lower triangular part of matrix
triu Upper triangular part of matrix
isbanded Determine if matrix is within specific bandwidth
isdiag Determine if matrix is diagonal
ishermitian Determine if matrix is Hermitian or skew-Hermitian
issymmetric Determine if matrix is symmetric or skew-symmetric
istril Determine if matrix is lower triangular
istriu Determine if matrix is upper triangular
norm Vector and matrix norms
normest 2-norm estimate
cond Condition number with respect to inversion
condest 1-norm condition number estimate
rcond Reciprocal condition number
condeig Condition number with respect to eigenvalues
det Matrix determinant
null Null space
orth Orthonormal basis for range of matrix
rank Rank of matrix
rref Reduced row echelon form (Gauss-Jordan elimination)
trace Sum of diagonal elements
subspace Angle between two subspaces
expm -- expm(A) and expm(A, B)
//Fourier Analysis and Filtering