This git repository, modified from the original NeRF for Pytorch project, is the code used in the final paper of Felix O'Mahony for class COS 526 - Joint Training for Style Transfer in NeRF. All updates can be checked by looking at the commit history for this project. Note that the very first commit entails copying the contents of
to a new file
. This was a duplication of a file which already existed in the original and therefore this commit should therefore not be regarded as work undertaken by myself (Felix O'Mahony).
The new method permits the modification of the style of a three-dimensional scene generated with NeRF. Whereas existing methods for style transfer typically rely on transforming the style of a NeRF model's training image set to adapt styles, we propose a method which modifies the model directly. In our method, a reference scene is generated in two styles. In one, the style resembles that of the target scene. Another serves as a desired style, which resembles the desired appearance of the target scene. By training two networks in parallel, we are able to transfer the style from the reference model in the desired style to the target scene.
To run the scrpits, first a config file must be established. Note that these are different to configs used for regular NeRF training, as they must specify three training data directories.
Some example data is given in data
and an example config is given in configs/compound.txt
The script can be run locally from
. This will train a model according to the given config file.
Several files are modified and added to the original project to make the script work.
Four new datasets are generated and placed here.sphere/
is the reference scene in original style.sphere_blue/
show the same content in different styles../blender/
carries all the blender files used to produce the new scenes.run_nerf_helpers
has been modified to split the network in two. TheFMap
class is the encoder, whileAppendix
is the decoder.run_compound_nerf
has been modified to train across the three different combinations of encoder and decoder available. The training is, however, carried out in the same manner as it is
is a simple testing script which can be used to test the method locally. However it is advised to use a GPU, so an HPC was actually used to produce the results shown in the paper.
In the sub directory visualisations_analysis
are the scripts used to generate diagrams for visualising the effect of the network (in terms of the feature map) and the KL Divergence analysis.
KL divergence is calculated in the file visualisations_analysis/kl_divergence_analysis.ipynb
. This script can be run within Google Drive using a GPU accelerator. The method draws on functions in
. These scripts take in a set of models (stored as pickle files under pickle_files/
), fit bivariate normal distributions to the feature map representation of a set of sample inputs (taken from inputs_ex.pkl
, a pickle folder containing an array of sampled input points), and finds the Kullback-Liebler divergence between the two bivariate normal distributions in the feature space.
The outputs of this visualisations are shown in visualisations_analysis/processing/feature_mapping/anim/
. This animation is generated by the p5.js script in visualisations_analysis/processing/feature_mapping/feature_mapping.pde
. It shows the 3D space as a cube, with a point moving through a 3D path, and a visualisation of the network output. The 3D path is generated in the file visualisations_analysis/box_visualisation.ipynb
in Google Drive with GPU acceleration.
Finally, and most importantly, this function generates the visualisations of how points are transformed into the feature space, and what the feature space looks like when transformed back into RGB values.
These visualisations are generated in the notebook visualisations_analysis/generate_material_map_notebook.ipynb
, which can be run in Google Drive with GPU acceleration. This draws on scripts found in