Compute the most popular aestethic criteria for a graph drawing.
The input format is a DOT file (see for more information). To covert a graph into a DOT file please check some graph converters in 'graphconverter' folder or use another tool like NetworkX to read and write a dot file.
This project uses: .
- networkx ( to handle graphs and reading/writing files
- pygraphviz ( to manage the DOT format
- numpy: for inner product of upward drawings
The project is tested on python3
- Crossings
- Edge length uniformity
- Bounding box
- Aspect ratio
- Stress
- Neighbors preservation
Labels metrics
- Labels total area
- Labels total area to boundin box ratio
Counts the number of edge crossings in the given layout. The technique checkes the intersection between any pair of edges, and returns the crossings number.
The algorithm should be improved using a sweep-line technique.
The Edge length uniformity corresponds to the normalized standard deviation of the edge length, i.e.:
The bounding box computes the width and height of the given layout.
The aspect ratio returns width/heigth of the layout
The stress is a well known measure for the energy of the layout of a graph drawing. It computes the difference betewwn the graph thoretic distance and the gemetric distance between any pair of vertices of the given graph.
Since scaling a given layout changes the computed stress value, the computed value is the minimum value achievable fixing the layout, that is, the drawing is scaled before computing the stress measurement.
The neighbors preservation checks for each vertex how many neighbors are close to it
in the given layout. This value is the range
python3 {} {input_metrics_path.csv} [{desired_metrics_comma_separated} ]
{} : full path of the input graph
{input_metrics_path.csv} : full path for the output file with computed metrics. The file is created if does not exist
{desired_metrics_comma_separated} : optional parameter to compute desired metrics (without it all metrics are computed) possible values for the metrics are
cr : for crossings;
ue : for edge length uniformity;
st : for stress;
np : for neighbors_preservation;
lblbb : for label to boundingBox ratio;
lblarea : for labels total area;
bb : for bounding box;
upflow : for upward flow;
"cr,st,ue,np" for crossings, stress, edge length uniformity and neighbors preservation
Currently the crossing counting is rather slow, it checks each pair of edges. A better way to count the crossings, such as a sweep-line algorithm, would speed-up the computation.