This little web app combine job search capabilities for candidates and jobs management for recruiters. This is only a proof of concept to prove how easy can be creating an entire web app using Mojolicious and SQLite.
- Install a recent version of perl e.g.
perlbrew install 5.22.1
- Use that version of perl
perlbrew use 5.22.1
- Install cpanm (or something else which can install dependencies from a cpanfile, the rest of this will assume cpanm)
- Install local::lib
cpanm local::lib
(Optional, you don't have to do this inside a local lib but it does help keep things segregated) - Install the dependencies
cpanm -L local --installdeps .
(You can skip -L local if you're OK with just installing it in your basic perl library) - Set up your shell to use the local lib as default,
eval "$(perl -Mlocal::lib=local)"
, This will set up your shell to use the local lib as the current perl library, it just saves you having to run every perl command with "-Mlocal::lib=local" in the arguments - Run the tests
prove -l t/
- Start the app
morbo ./bin/
This will now run the Mojolicious app which will default to port 3000 on the local host