Plugin generate conditions text for {{ entries:listing }}.
- Download and unpack
- Put folders to _add-ons folder and to _config/add-ons
Put tag {{ filter }}
to conditions in {{ entries:listing }}
{{ entries:listing folder="blog" conditions="{ filter }" }}
{{ title }}
{{ /entries:listing }}
Tag generate GET params for url link.
{{ filter:params_link }}
Any params in tag, replaced or create GET value.
<ul class="uk-subnav uk-subnav-pill">
<li {{ if get:year == '2014' or get:year == '' }}class="uk-active"{{ /if }}>
<a href="{{ filter:params_link year="2014" }}">2014</a>
<li {{ if get:year == '2013' }}class="uk-active"{{ /if }}>
<a href="{{ filter:params_link year="2013" }}">2013</a>
All params need set in _config/add-ons/filter/filter.yaml
year: # key name in GET
name: year # (not required) field name in your fields
filter: int, abs, no_zero # (not required) filter list
default: 2014 # (not required) default value if get param no set
condition: "=>" # (not required) if you need a value not more or less.
- int
- any
- abs
- no_zero
For pagination use tag {{ filter:params }}, add tag after pagination tag in href argumenet.
{{ entries:pagination folder="blog" conditions="{ filter }" limit="10" }}
{{ if previous_page }}
<a href="{{ previous_page }}&{{ filter:params }}">Previous Page</a>
{{ endif }}
{{ if next_page }}
<a href="{{ next_page }}&{{ filter:params }}">Next Page</a>
{{ endif }}
{{ /entries:pagination }}