In order to use this implementation, you will need to have your object comply with the BKHashableValue protocol
After that, create a BKTree object and use it's interface to add BKNodes and search objects on the tree.
BKTree * tree = [[BKTree alloc] init];
[tree insertValue:suitable_object];
//search for results
//threshold signifies the maximum metric distance allowed while traversing the tree
//lower values means faster and less results
NSMutableArray * results = [find:candidate withThreshold:20];
When implementing your BKHashableValue object, keep in mind that:
//these 2 methods should be backed up by an ivar or property. They are used internally by the BKTree and you can use them after a find operation returns search results, in order to view / debug the scores.
- (void)setScore:(NSUInteger)score;
- (NSUInteger)getScore;
//this method implements the Metric distance algorithm that will compare 2 objects.
- (NSUInteger)distanceToValue:(id<BKHashableValue>)candidate;
TODO: Node removal.