A flutter app
Install the Firebase CLI. Log into Firebase using your Google account by running the following command:
firebase login
Install the FlutterFire CLI by running the following command from any directory:
dart pub global activate flutterfire_cli
Use the FlutterFire CLI to configure your Flutter apps to connect to Firebase. From your Flutter project directory, run the following command to start the app configuration workflow:
flutterfire configure
Run firestore init if .firebaserc does not exist/is linked to a firebase project
firebase init
Enable the following features
- Firestore
- Functions
- Storage
- Emulators
Enable the following emulators
- Authentication Emulator
- Functions Emulator
- Firestore Emulator
- Storage Emulator
Install packages for flutter
flutter pub get
Install IOS deps
cd ios && pod install
Install firebase functions packages
cd functions && npm install
Make sure you've built the firebase functions at least once
In /functions
npm run build
Start emulator services
firebase emulators:start
flutter run -d <deviceId> --flavor <prod/staging/dev> -t <entryFile>
Or use the launch configuration in VSCode