Udemy AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Ultimate Exam Training Course 2020
Course : https://capitalsolutionsgroup.udemy.com/course/aws-certified-cloud-practitioner-training-course/learn/lecture/18549168#overview - Neal Davis, UK, AUStralia Google : search for "AWS certified cloud practitioner guide"
multiple choice / multiple answer
- if 4 answers - only 1
- if 5+, 1 or more
90 minutes
test center or online proctored
- online proctored can stay at home
recommends NOT taking other "practice exams"
- thinks this course is good enough to pass
White papers - get at
- Overview of Amazon Web Services
- Architecting for the Cloud : AWS Best Practices
- How AWS Pricing Works
- Cost Management in the AWS Cloud
Exam Guide : 4 domains
Cloud Concepts - 26% 1.1 Define the AWS Cloud and its value proposition
- why would people want to use it 1.2 Identify aspects of AWS Cloud economics
- why it makes economical sense 1.3 List the different cloud architecture design principles
Security 25% 2.1 Define the AWS Shared Responsibility model
- who's responsibility for what, eg AWS vs customer 2.2 Define AWS Cloud Security and compliance concepts 2.3 Identify AWS access management capabilities 2.4 Identify resources for security support
Technology - 33% 3.1 Define methods of deploying and operating in the AWS Cloud 3.2 Define the AWS global infrastructure
- what makes up the data centers and the systems that are in them 3.3 Identify the core AWS services
- large part of course
- basics 3.4 Identify resources for technology support
Billing and pricing - 16% 4.1 Compare and contrast the various pricing models
- understand how they price for each service & understand differences 4.2 Recognize the various account structures in relation to AWS billing and pricing 4.3 Identify resources available for support
Cloud Concepts - 26%
Security - 25%
Technology - 33%
Billing & Pricing - 16%
Downloads : https://digitalcloud.training/aws-ccp-exam-training-course-downloads/
Section 2. Overview of Cloud Computing
What is Cloud Computing ?
- gmail
- dropbox
Cloud Computing :
- the on-demand delivery of IT services from a third-party provider over the Internet
Cloud Service :
- The IT capability that is being provided by the cloud provider
- gmail : email
- facebook : social networking
- dropbox : storage
"pay as you go" : typical, only pay for what you use
- website & storage up in the cloud
- cloud takes care of scaling storage and/or servers to handle customer demand
order system
- order system ui
- db to hold orders
- perform analytics to 'plan' future business
- do on the cloud only when analytics are needed
- scaling handled by cloud
- on-demand, self-service
- cmds consume resources on a remote site
- broad network access
- connect to the service, eg internet {eg, AWS}, WANs
- resource pooling
- resources used by multiple users
- rapid elasticity
- scaling - resources to handle more users, storage
- elasticity - scale up / down
- measure service
- monitored so you pay for what you use
- On-premises / private cloud
- all managed by you
- IaaS - Infrastructure
- AWS EC2 - request a virtual server
- but once AWS gives it to you - you have to manage it, eg the OS, runtime libraries, data & code
- PaaS - Platform
- developer uploads code to AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- but once AWS gives it to you - you have to manage just data & code
- SaaS - Software
- Sales Team logs sales data into Salesforce.com
- all managed by provider
- users just consume the service, eg gmail, facebook, dropbox
- where are your resources deployed
- private cloud
- dedicated environment but it's all yours - eg VMWare, RedHat, OpenStack
- benefits :
- complete control, eg data security reasons
- public cloud
- AWS, MS Azure, Google Cloud Platform
- these companies need LOTS of resources
- so they buy all that which allows them to charge lower costs than if private company had to buy that much
- benefits :
- variable expense
- scaling, elasticity
- hybrid cloud
- combination of private / public
- benefits :
- allow companies to use private for certain proprietary components and public for 'common'
- multicloud
- use multiple clouds, eg Azure, AWS
- why ? different services, price points, etc
- old way of doing things
- companies need :
- data centers, power, computing equipment, software licenses, maintenance, staff wages, etc
- requires lots of
- capital
- operational overhead {maintenance, wages}
- limited scalability
- https://docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/latest/aws-overview/six-advantages-of-cloud-computing.html
- Trade capital expense for variable expense
- no need for $$ for data centers
- benefits from massive economies of scale
- stop guessing about capacity
- cloud takes care of knowing storage capacity, num of users, etc - consumer doesn't need to
- increase speed & agility
- stop spending $$$ running & maintaining data centers
- go global in minutes
Section 3: AWS Cloud Overview
internal launch 2002
vision 2003
public launch 2004
re-launch S3, SQS {Simple Queue Service}, EC2 2006
amazon.com retail sites migrated 2010
$1.57 B 2015
$25 B 2018
165 services, eg computing. machine learning, storage, analytics, etc
22 geographical regions
- region
- 22 regions around the world
- different geographical areas
- w/2 or more AZs,
- each AZ isolated from other AWS regions
- availability zones {AZ}
- actual locations into which you launch your resources, eg an EC2 AMI instance
- 1 or more data centers that are physically separate from other AZs
- AZs span 1 or more data centers and have direct, low-latency, high throughput & redundant network connections between each other
- each AZ is designed as an independent failure zone
- app deployed in multiple AZs, if 1 fails, the other is just fine
- physically separated w/in a region but not in same building, use discrete power sources
- edge locations
- location w/a cache of content that can be delivered at low latency to users
- used by CloudFront
- regional edge cache
- part of CloudFront
- larger caches that sit between AWS services & Edge locations
- global network
- highly available, low latency private global network
- interconnecting every data center, AZ & AWS region
- Identity & Access Management {IAM}
- users, groups, policies
- AWS Compute
- check out the slides & the course summary
check the PDF for the ones that pertain to the exam
- Amazon S3 {storage}
- AWS Direct Connect {networking}
- Content Delivery & DNS
- Amazon Toute 53
- Amazon CloudFront
- Cloud Governance & Security
- AWS WAF & Shield
- AWS Artifact
- AWS Trusted Advisor
- AWS Personal Health Dashboard
- the rest
IAM - user accounts
- just one
- global account
- different permissions
EC2 web server , Amazon RDS DB
- regional
- stood up in 1 region / AZ
- S3 Buckets
- regional
- stood up in another region/AZ
- copy data from above to here
3 fundamentals
- compute
- pay for compute / running time, eg EC2
- storage
- pay for amount of data stored
- eg S3, EBS, EFS
- Data Outbound
- charged outbound data transfer rate
- aggregated across the services, combined amount is charged
- compute
- user for compute & database capacity
- no long-term commitments
- beauty of the cloud
- not tied to IPs
dedicated instances {more expensive}
- available for Amazon EC2
- hardware dedicated to a single customer
spot instances
- purchase spare capacity w/no commitments
- great discounts
- but subject to disappearing at any time
- up to 75% discount in exchange for a term commitment
- 1 or 3 year term
- options to pay
- no upfront
- partial upfront
- all upfront
- available for
- EC2 Reserved instances
- DynamoDB Reserved capacity
- ElastiCache Reserved nodes
- RDS Reserved instances
- RedShift Reserved nodes {data warehouse}
- up to 75% discount in exchange for a term commitment
- check the white paper
- describes prohibited uses of AWS
- common sense
- AWS monitors
- check the downloaded pdf
- 100%, 6/6
Section 4: Identity & Access Management {IAM Roles}
Creating users {U}, groups {G}, policies {P}, roles {R} Controls access. Identity Federation
- integrate an external entity to check for access, eg MicroSoft Active Directory
- {U} create individual accounts to grant access
- {U} can also assign to a service
- {P} defines permissions; apply to a user, group or role
- {G} collections of users w/policies attached to them, or,
- {G,P} add a bunch of users to a group & then apply 1 policy for that group
- {R} security identity, similar to a user account, that can be assumed by other entities
- eg, launch an EC2 server, assign a role to that server, role would have a policy attached to it,
- allowing it to access S3 and store data there;
- eg, launch an EC2 server, assign a role to that server, role would have a policy attached to it,
- user accounts assigned to individuals or a service
- eg, Ethan, Adrian
- eg, Developers, AWS Admins, Operations
- created & then "assumed" by another entity
- eg, create an EC2 instance - assign a 'role' that allows full access to S3 storage service
- roles bypass need for an explicit userid/password
- defined role permissions assumed by entities having that role
- eg, "full access" to S3, "read only" to DynamoDB
- external, eg, MS Active Directory
- API : need an access key id & secret access key, eg, command line, SDKs
- UI AWS Mgmt Console : need an IAM User account w/password
- some AWS Services : need a signing certificate
- adding additional security
- 3 factors
- Something Only You Know, eg, password
- Something Only You Have, eg, Google Authenticator app, device - ie RSA ID
- Something Only You Are, eg, fingerprint
- in AWS
- {You Know} IAM User password
- {You Have} virtual {apt generate a code} or physical {RSA device} MFA device
- see slides
- see slides
- 7/8
- ROLES are used to delegate permissions - choices were users, groups, policies, roles
Section 5: Create AWS Free Tier Account (optional)
- new user : rjzawis
- access key id : create new ones
- secret access key :
Section 6: AWS Compute
EC2 - web service part of AWS Compute suite of products
by default, 20 instances per region max
- if need more, have to apply to AWS & ask - more $$$
EC2 is a REGIONAL service -must select the region to launch the instance
created an EC2 instance
created an EC2 instance w/httpd & default :80/index.html installed
ECS - FARGATE - run Docker containers quickly
- handles cluster mgmt for you
- created NGINX cluster
- serverless
- run code w/o provisioning or managing servers
- "trigger" executed - eg, web page visited
- don't pay until the code runs
- easily provision compute services
- easily created a WordPress app
Section 7: AWS Storage
Object, Block, and File Storage
Object - S3
Block - EBS
File - File
- object stored in buckets
- REST API to connect - get, put, post, delete
- referenced via URL
- only 1 that can be used as a boot
- appear as local disks
- volumes mounted over a network
- create partitions, etc
- can attach multiple EBS volumes to a single EC2 BUT
- CANNOT attach the same EBS volume to multiple EC2 instances
- MUST be in same AvlZone
- 1 can be a boot partition, another data
- connect using a 'protocol', eg NFS
- mount file system to a mount point
- upload objects {files, pix, etc} into buckets
- VPC - Virtual Private Cloud
- own personal subnets
6/6 - 1 lookup
- relational vs non-relational
- DynamiDB
- RedShift
- ElastiCache
8/8 - no lookups
Section 10: AWS Elastic Load Balancing & Auto-Scaling
8/8 - looked up 1
Section 11: AWS Content Delivery & DNS Services
- Route 53 - DNS across regions
- CloudFront - ContentDelivery - CDN
7/8 - missed "Which service has built-in DDOS protection ? - said Route 53, correct answer : CloudFront
Section 12: AWS Monitoring & Logging SErvices
- CloudWatch : performance
- CloudTrail : auditing
Section 13: AWS Automation & Platform Services
CloudFormation {infrastructure}
- template-driven
- deploy infrastructure using code
- services launched for you via JSON
- Change Sets, Stacks, Templates
ElasticBeanStalk {applications}
- builds containers
- platform service
- leverages CloudFormation
- WAR / ZIP files w/code = environment built "for you"
5/6 - missed What sac can be used to automatically create an Amazon VPC & then launch an EC2 instance.... : Correct answer : CLoudWatch
Section 14: AWS Migration & Transfer Services
migrate on-premises to Cloud
{DMS} Database Migration Service
- target : Amazon RDS, Aurora
Snowball, SnowMobile
- very large amounts of data into AWS
- 4/4
Section 15: AWS Billing & Pricing
- Need to know :
- what you get for free
- Elastic Beanstalk {just the resources}
- CloudFormation {just the resources}
- Auto-Scaling
- Consolidated Billing
- data going into AWS {only outbound}
- what you get charged for
- compute
- amount of time your instance is running {based on instance type}
- load balancing {Network, Balanced}
- detailed monitoring {CloudWatch}
- Elastic IP addresses {if allocated but not used}
- AWS Lambda
- FarGate
- storage
- amount of data being stored
- S3
- class type
- quantity
- moving data between storage classes
- S3 Glacier
- amount provisioned
- storage classes, amount used
- network
- VPN connections
- PrivateLink
- NAT Gateways, instances
- AWS Direct Connect - # port hours
- Database
- RDS {amount of time running}
- clock time, instance type
- RDS {amount of time running}
- outbound data transfer
- compute
- how are you charged
- models
- on-demand
- good for short term
- dedicated
- good for compliance, licensed software, ie software per workstation
- spot instances {purchasing spare capacity}
- up to 90% off on-demand
- terminated when AWS needs capacity back
- reservations {all services will have 'reserved' in their name}
- good if you predictable usage, @75% savings over on-demand
- no upfront
- partial upfront
- all upfront
- savings plan
- on-demand
- models
- special payment options
- what you get for free
10/14 - try 1 14/14 - try 2
Section 16: AWS Cloud Security
- Shared Responsibility Model
- what customer is responsible for
- Security "IN" the cloud
- what AWS is responsible for
- Security "OF" the cloud
- what customer is responsible for
Section 17: AWS Architecting for the Cloud
Best Practices section
horizontal {increase #instances} over vertical scaling {manually increase instance stats, downtime}
resources are reusable
use automation
loose coupling - reduce interdependencies
- service discovery
use existing AWS services - not building new servers
use right db for workload
remove single points of failure
- introduce redundancy
detect failure {health checks, alarms, automate detection & reaction}
durable data storage
optimize for cost
- only build what you need
- improve performance & cost efficiency
- Application Data Caching {AWS ElastiCache, Dynamo DB DAX}
- use AWS
- reduce privileged access
- CloudFormation {build secure environments - template}
- Auditing - {Trusted Advisor, Config, Inspector}
5 Pillars of Operational Excellence
- Operational Excellence
- Security
- Reliability
- Performance Efficiency
- Cost Optimization
Section 18: AWS Additional Services Seen on the Exam
- AWS Rekognition - image analysis, objects, facial features, celebrities
- videos as well
- AWS SNS - Simple Notification Service {loose coupling} - a push service
- application integration services
- publish / subscribe
- sending notifications from publishers to subscribers
- eg, EC2, CloudWatch, S3 send a message into SNS topics - sends on to Simple Q Svc, emails, AWS Lambda
- pushes msgs to subscribers
- managed service, pay-as-you-go
- AWS SQS Simple Queue Service - pull-based service
- message bus
- create queues, msgs get placed into
- eg, EC2s get info from customers, place info/orders into qs
- back-end EC2 apps process msgs in qs
- eg, EC2s get info from customers, place info/orders into qs
- different types of qs
- back-end keeps polling qs
- AWS SWF - Simple Workflow Service
- order service
- ideal for human-enabled workflows
- AWS Step Functions
- replacing a lot of SWF use cases
- uses JSON code
- creates visual workflow - good for decision tree flows - yes/no, pass/fail - workflows
- state machines
Section 19: AWS Full length practice exams
- test # 1 : 80%
- test # 2 : 86%
Section 20: Extra Labs, multiple EC2 instances w/ELB
Section 21: Final Exam Preparation + BONUS
- downloaded additional exams and cheat sheet
- checked everything into Git
CarahSoft - AWS Webinar - Cloud Practitioner Boot Camp 05/07/2020 - 12p-4p
- trade capital expense for variable/operational expense
- benefit from massive economies of scale
- stop guessing capacity
- increase speed & agility
- stop spending $$ running & maintaining data centers
- go global in minutes
24 Regions
76 Availability Zones
205+ Edge Locations
US East 1 - 1st region made generally available
- 50 mile radius around there - AZ
infrastructure.aws - website showing global AWS infrastructure
- Regions - separate independent areas
- AZs connected by high-speed low-latency links
- multiple isolated locations within a region
- 1 AZ @= 1 data center
- independent failure zones
- physically separated
- on separate Low Risk Flood Plains
Dev & Test
- eg, Elastic BeanStalk {no charge for service - service for the resources}
- easily create copies of their environments
- upload code - BeanStalk does resource allocation
- resources only needed when used
- eg, Elastic BeanStalk {no charge for service - service for the resources}
- low cost data storage
- object, block & file storage
- S3 {11 9's security, Glacier {low-cost archival}
Disaster Recovery
- enables faster disaster recovery of they critical IT systems w/o incurring infrastructure expense for a 2nd site
- Fast Performance
- No Tapes
- Compliance
- Elasticity
- add any amount of data quickly adapting to increase / decrease resources
- Secure
- Auditing, Certifications, etc
- Partners
- Solution Provider & Integration Assistance
Big Data
- Storage & Databases
- Object Storage
- Graph databases
- HBase
- Aurora
- Analytic Frameworks
- Hadoop & Spark
- ElasticSearch
- Data Warehousing
- RedShift
- Business Intelligence
- Real-Time Analytics
- Machine Learning
- Storage & Databases
AWS Storage Gateway - connect on-premises db to cloud-based AWS services
- who is responsible for what
- Security & Compliance -> shared responsibility
- AWS - security "OF" the cloud
- hardware, data centers, networking equipment & software
- Customer - security "IN" the cloud
- all application security
- data encryption
- OS security patches, IAM, network & firewall configurations
- Pillars
- Design Principles
- Questions
- Operations Excellence
- Security
- implement a strong identity foundation
- enable traceability
- apply security at all layers
- automate best practices
- encrypt data in transit & at rest
- Reliability
- test recovery procedures
- automatically recover
- scale horizontally to increase aggregate system availability
- stop guessing capacity
- manage change using automation
- Performance
- use advanced technologies
- go global in minutes
- use server less architectures
- DynamoDB
- Lambda
- experiment more often
- mechanical sympathy
- Cost Optimization
- adopt a consumption model
- measure overall efficiency
- stop spending money on datacenter operations
- analyze and attribute expenditure
- use managed services to reduce cost of ownership
- EC2
Elastic Compute Cloud
resizable compute capacity
instance types
- combines CPU, memory, storage & networking capacity
- c4.large
- 'c' : Instance Families, 'c' -> compute
- '4' : Instance Generations
- 'large' : Instance sizes
integrated with
- CloudWatch
- Batch
- ECS - container service
Instance Types
- On-Demand
- pay only when used
- Reserved
- discounted price, up to 75% - NEED to make a time commitment, eg 1 - 3 years
- Spot
- discounted - uses "spare"/unused compute capacity
- up to 90%
- good for no time commitment serverless applications, big data calls
- auction / bid to obtain - can go away at any time {2 minute notice}
- On-Demand
- Instance Store
- temporary - once instance stops - data goes away
- physically attached to host
- good for cache, scratch data
- persistent
- data is independent of instance lifecycle
- Composed of AMI - Machine Images
- Amazon maintained
- Community Built
- Personally built ones {can be public or private}
- Maintains EC2 Instance availability
- detects bad ones
- replaces w/good
- Automatically Scale Up / Down
- based on cfg'd settings / rules
- serverless Compute service {DynamoDB - RDS}
- runs code in response to events
- automatically manages underlying resources
{1255p-105p : 10 minute break}
- S3 - Simple Storage Service
- can run AWS Analytic Services against S3
- Athena, Redshift, EMR
- S3 Lake
- stand up a Data Lake
- up to 10 object tags
- use tags to perform operations
- can assign access policies against data
- ACLs - access control list
- 6 Classes - cost-based
- Glacier & Glacier Deep Archive
- longer term storage
- can analyze data and move data between classes
- manage data at all levels at-scale
- cfg fine-tune access to data
- cost effectively store data across classes
- audit & report on data
- develop rules against analysis
- 11 9s of durability
- scale data on-demand & in minutes
- ingest & store as much data as needed, eg good for Big Data
- Standard
- multi AZ
- used for frequent access
- Intelligent-Tiering
- uses deep learning to analyze
- data w/changing access patterns
- optimize storage costs
- no management required {cost optimized automatically}
- no retrieval fees
- supports all of the capabilities of the rest of the S3 storage classes
- Standard 1A - '1A' - Infrequent Access
- One Zone 1A {only 1 AZ}
- infrequent access
- multi AZ
- easily recreatable data
- mobile / enterprise backup data
- Glacier
- Glacier Deep Archive
- cold storage
- accessed infrequently
- fee for retrieving
- good for media archives, medical data
- recover in 12 hours or less
- fully managed
- durable high-performance
- simple to use
- low latency, high throughput
- performant
- elastic volumes
- adjust size & tune performance w/NO disruption
- elastic volumes
- reliable
- scaled across multi AZ
- snapshots
- incremental
- users control encryption
- each EC2 has 1 EBS Boot Volume
- NFS file System
- SIMple
- fully managed
- can mount multiple
- secure
- elastic
- grows automatically
- stores data redundantly by default
- scalable
- Direct Connect
- private connection between on-premises & AWS
- establish a quick on-premises to AWS connection
- 1 GB, 10 GB
- SnowBall, Snowmobile
- send data in bulk, ie Tera, Peta, Exa
- data encrypted
- hardware devices sent to you
- Storage Gateway
- hybrid cloud data storage solution
- simplify storage mgmt
- 3 Types
- simple
- Tape / File / ????
- connects to other S3 storage services
- Transfer Acceleration
- Kinesis
- many others
- IAM - identity & Access Management
- users, groups
- Permissions assigned to Policies
- Policies assign to Roles
- Roles given to users, groups
- entity that interact w/AWS
- person or service
- access thru AWS Console {userid, password} / or CLI {Access Key & ID}
- eg, new employee
- use root user as little as possible
- best practice
- use root user to create an IAM user w/Admin access
- no permissions by default when created
- have to attach permissions
- ie, who has access
- what actions
- Managed
- attached to multiple users, groups and roles
- Inline
- usually just for one-off causes
- reduces individual user management
- assign policy to a Group - then add users into groups
- an identity w/permission policies that determine what the identity can / cannot do
- can be assumed by anyone
- give cross-account access
- access within an account
- NO credentials
- Federation : give access to identities defined outside AWS
{Lab & break : 145p-230p} Lab log in : https://975060361121.signin.aws.amazon.com/console Introduction to AWS Identity and Access Management
- default one every region
- can span Availability Zones
- own logically isolated area w/in a region
- ENI - elastic network interface
- represents a virtual network card
- Subnet {firewall for your EC2}
- public
- private
- no route to an Internet gateway
- Internet Gateway
- attached to VPC - allows access out to Internet
- provides a target in your VPC route tables for internet
- perform network access translation {NAT}
- firewall
- Route Table
- directs where traffic from your VPC goes
- networking connection between 2 VPCs
- enables you to route traffic between them using private IP addresses
- appear to be communicating as if in the same network
- allows inter-region connections
- helps facilitate the transfer of data
- eg, create a file-sharing network
- relational
- Aurora, RDS
- key-value
- DynamoDB
- In-memory
- ElastiCache
- Document
- DocumentDB
- MySQL, PostgreSQL compatible relational
- performance & scalable
- availability & durable
- highly secure
- fully managed by RDS
- 5 times faster MySQL / 3 times faster PostgreSQL
- read-replicas
- cost effectiveness - 1/10 the cost
- Aurora, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQL Server, Oracle
- managed relational
- easy to administer
- highly scalable
- fast & secure
- available & durable
- automatic multi-AZ
- Database Migration Service
- migrates on-premises source dbs to AWS
- source db remains fully operational
- Database Migration Service
- NoSQL db service
- performance
- fully managed
- scales up & down automatically
- serverless
- good for modern apps
- comprehensive security
- global database for global users and apps
- encrypts all data by default
- integrates w/ IAM
- easily replicates tables across multiple AWS Regions
- mongodb-compatible
- fully managed, scalable
- performance at scale
- durable
- 6 copies of data across 3 AZs
- highly available
- can be used w/AWS DMS
- data warehouse service
- fast
- paralel processing
- highly scalable
- virtually unlimited concurrency
- dynamically scales based on data volumes
- extends your data lake
- 10x performance
- 1/10th cost
- uses machine learning to analyze data - peta, exabytes
- use KMS & HSM for security
CloudWatch {resource monitoring}
- monitoring service
- monitors cloud resources, applications
- collects & tracks metrics
- collect & monitor log files
- set alarms
- based upon analysis
- high resolution
- help w/cost
- Logs
- collect & store
- Bended {AWS logs}
- AWS Service Logs
- Custom {apps, on-premises}
- install agent to collect on-premises logs
- built-in Dashboards to display metrics
- graph metrics & data for analysis
- eg, CPU utilization, memory
CloudTrail {AUDITing user account actions, activity, console,}
- enabled by default
- compliance auditing
- operational troubleshooting
- security analysis
- automatic compliance remediation
- actions taken by users, roles or AWS service are recorded
- last 90 days kept around
- Event History
- Management Events - management operations
- Data Events - resource operations performed
- InfraStructure As Code
- Templated resource provisioning
- create templates to describe the AWS Resources used to run your application
- no charge for service
- charged for resource usage
- infrastructure as code
- entire architecture described in a text file
- Designer - usually design your architecture - saves to a text file
- automates provisioning of architecture
- delivers content to customers
- global content delivery
- works w/WAF & Shield - protects DDoS
- used w/CloudFront
- "instances" that contain user data close to end users
- DNS Web Service
- route end users to Internet applications by using a human readable URL
- monitors configuration and changes between cfgs
- simplify security configuration, management, troubleshooting
- fully managed
- inventory
- history
- change notifications
- discover existing resources
- assess overall compliance & risk status
- SNS - get notified via AWS Simple Notification Service of changes
- central resource for compliance documentation
- certifications, regulations, attestations, etc
- on-demand
- spiky demands
- reserved
- for a known committed time period
- spot
- time insensitive, goes away at any time
- spare
- dedicated
- highly sensitive
- most expensive
- dedicated resources
- cause your own licenses
- Basic
- long response times
- not much support
- Developer
- Business
-most popular
- 24x7 access
- Enterprise
- dedicated TAM - Tech Account Manager
- centrally govern your environment
- policy based management for multiple AWS accounts
- control AWS service use across accounts
- automate account creation
- consolidate billing & Usage reporting
- manage cross-account access
control which AWS service actions are accessible to account principals - including root
AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Certification Exam Guide
go thru AWS White papers {"dense"}
WhizLabs - free practice tests