The flowchart is great! It's what I use to quickly break down text and information into fragments of knowledge and relate them together. To properly digest and make that knowledge mine.
There are a few features that would immensely increase the efficiency and quality of life though.
Automatic rectangles placement/modifcations - As of now you can initially create new flowchart boxes, but once you have the need to add another box to a node with children, the nodes overlap, and you have to manually drag it. Sometimes this can cause misalignment if you don't use the grid. It'd be nice if nodes were smart enough when doing this operation and move other nodes above and below it to make space. There could be a function to recursively 'ripple' and push nodes away.
Similar to above, but for nodes where you add in more text and expand it such that by the end of the operation it covers another node. Covered nodes should be pushed away so the diagram is readable. This would definitely save time in editing flowcharts.
In summary, when a node is placed or expands such that another node is covered, then there should be a recursive macro that ripples through all the nodes and ensures readability and optimal placement of nodes.
Flowchart integration - As of now, flowcharts are agnostic to all other elements, it'd be nice to drag an image or element to a flowchart and immediate have it connected to a node. Manually placing arrows is ugly and not as so nice and uniform as the flowchart, at least with my skills.
Tying into the above. Commonly I have lots of ocr'd text that I edit and refine into fragments of knowledge. Dragging them onto a node and making these automatically into nodes full of text would be great.