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RxPlayer Architecture documentation

Preliminary notes

You will find the architecture documentation alongside the code it documents, as files (like this one).

Global architecture

To better understand the player's architecture, you can find below a (simplified!) schema of it:

                                                                  | ---> Call / request |

               +---------------------------------------------+              ,,,,,,,
               |                                             |             (  CDN  )
               |               Application/UI                |              ```````
               |                                             |                 ^
               +---------------------------------------------+                 |
                          |                                                    |
                          |                                                    |
                          |                                                    |
                          V       Front-facing API                             |
     +-------------------------------------------+                             |
     |                Public API                 |                             |
     |               (./core/api)                |                      +----------------+
     +-------------------------------------------+                      |                |
 +--------------------+    |      |                    +--------------> |   transports   |
 | TrackChoiceManager | <--+      |                    |                | (./transports) |
 |    (./core/api)    |           |                    |                |                |
 +--------------------+           |                    |                +----------------+
  Facilitate track                V                    |       Abstract the streaming ^
  switching for           +---------------+            |       protocol               |
  the API                 |               |            |                              |
 +----------------+       |               |         +--------------------------+      |
 |    Content     |       |     Init      | ------> |                          |      |
 |   Decryptor    | <---- | (./core/init) |         |     Manifest Fetcher     |      |
 |(./core/decrypt)|       |               |         |(./core/fetchers/manifest)|      |
 |                |       |               |         |                          |      |
 +----------------+       +---------------+         +--------------------------+      |
 Negotiate content               |    Initialize     Load and refresh the Manifest    |
 decryption                      |    playback and                                    |
                                 |    create/connect                                  |
                                 |    modules                                         |
Stream (./core/stream)           |                                                    |
+--------------------------------|-------------------------------+                    |
|                                V                               |                    |
|  Create the right         +-------------------------------+    |                    |
|  PeriodStreams depending  |       StreamOrchestrator      |    |                    |
|  on the current position, | (./core/stream/orchestrator)  |    |                    |
|  and settings             +-------------------------------+    |                    |
|                            |            |              |       |                    |
|                            |            |              |       |                    |
|                            |            |              |       |                    |
|                  (audio)   v    (video) V       (text) v       |                    |
| Create the right +----------+   +----------+    +----------+   |  +--------------+  |
| AdaptationStream |          |   |          |    |          |----> |SegmentBuffers|  |
| depending on the |  Period  |-+ |  Period  |-+  |  Period  |-+ |  |    Store     |  |
| wanted track     |  Stream  | | |  Stream  | |  |  Stream  | | |  |(./core/segmen|  |
| (One per Period  |          | | |          | |  |          | | |  |t_buffers)    |  |
| and one per type +----------+ | +----------+ |  +----------+ | |  +--------------+  |
| of media)         |         (./core/stream/period)           | |  Create one buffer |
|                   +-----------+  +-----------+   +-----------+ |  per type of media |
|                          |              |              |       |                    |
|                          |              |              |       |                    |
|                          |              |              |       |                    |
|                          |              |              |       |                    |
|                  (audio) v      (video) V       (text) v       |  +--------------+  |
|                  +----------+   +----------+    +----------+ ---> |              |  |
| Create the right |          |   |          |    |          |   |  |     ARS*     |  |
| Representation-  |Adaptation|-+ |Adaptation|-+  |Adaptation|-+ |  |(./core/adapti|  |
| Stream depending |  Stream  | | |  Stream  | |  |  Stream  | | |  |ve)           |  |
| on the current   |          | | |          | |  |          | | |  +--------------+  |
| network,         +----------+ | +----------+ |  +----------+ | |   *Adaptive        |
| settings...       |        (./core/stream/adaptation)        | |   Representation   |
|                   +-----------+  +-----------+   +-----------+ |   Selector:        |
|                          |              |              |       |   Find the best    |
|                          |              |              |       |   Representation   |
|                          |              |              |       |   to play          |
|                          |              |              |       |                    |
|                  (audio) v      (video) V       (text) v       |                    |
|                  +----------+   +----------+    +----------+ ----> +------------+   |
| (Representation- |          |   |          |    |          |   |   |   Segment   | -+
| Stream).         |Represe...|-+ |Represe...|-+  |Represe...|-+ |   |   fetcher   |
| Download and push|  Stream  | | |  Stream  | |  |  Stream  | | |   |(./core/fetch|
| segments based on|          | | |          | |  |          | | |   |ers/segment) |
| the current      +----------+ | +----------+ |  +----------+ | |   +-------------+
| position and      |     (./core/stream/representation)       | |   Load media segments
| buffer state      +-----------+  +-----------+   +-----------+ |
|                         |               |              |       |
                          |               |              |
                |  (audio)V        (video)V              V       |
                |  +------------+  +------------+  +-----------+ |
 Media buffers  |  | Audio/Video|  | Audio/Video|  |   Text    | |
 on which media |  |   Segment  |  |   Segment  |  |  Segment  | |
 data to decode |  |   Buffer   |  |   Buffer   |  |  Buffer   | |
 is pushed, so  |  +------------+  +------------+  +-----------+ |
 it can be      |                                                |
 decoded at the |  SegmentBuffer implementations                 |
 right time     |  (./core/segment_buffers/implementations)      |

For the directories not represented in that schema:

  • Compat (./compat): Regroups every functions related to improving compatibility with browsers / environments.

  • errors (./errors): Defines error subclasses, most of all for the API.

  • experimental (./experimental): Special directory for "experimental" tools and features.

  • features (./features): Special directory allowing feature switching (enabling/disallowing features to not include unused code when importing the RxPlayer).

  • manifest (./manifest): Defines a Manifest structure and its properties, a central structure of the player describing a content.

  • parsers (./parsers): Various parsers for several formats

  • tools (./tools): Defines "tools", APIs which are not part of the RxPlayer class.

  • typings (./typings): Define TypeScript typings.

  • utils (./utils): Define utils function, small functions which can be used in several part of the RxPlayer's code.