This is a quick and dirty port of Nofrendo, a Nintendo Entertainment System emulator. It lacks sound, but can emulate a NES at close to full speed, albeit with some framedrop due to the way the display is driven.
The portation of NES emulator is based on ESP-BSP code and it allows to change the board quickly.
Selection of the game | Super Mario | Donkey Kong | qBert |
This is a proof-of-concept (only for demo) and not an official application note. As such, this code is entirely unsupported by Espressif.
The games are controlled by USB HID SNES GamePad.
idf.py -p COMx flash monitor
For change the board, please edit the components/esp_nes/idf_component.yml
file and change these lines to another BSP component:
version: "bsp/7inch_update"
path: "SquareLine/boards/custom_waveshare_7inch/components/ws_7inch/"
git: https://github.com/espressif/esp-bsp.git
For example, you can use this for ESP-BOX:
esp-box: "*"
This NES emulator does not come with a ROM. This demo allows to select between three games, each game must be flashed to right flash region:
- Game:
- Game:
- Game:
You can use this command for flash the game into right flash region:
python esptool.py --chip esp32s3 --port "COM3" --baud $((230400*4)) write_flash -fs 4MB 0x100000 .\games\supermario.nes
Code in this repository is Copyright (C) 2016 Espressif Systems, licensed under the Apache License 2.0 as described in the file LICENSE. Code in the components/nofrendo is Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Matthew Conte (matt@conte.com) and licensed under the GPLv2.