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🎮🤖🧿 Simple 3D step-based game in C++20 using SDL2 & OpenGL, like a 3D Pac-Man. Also can run in Web browsers using Emscripten & OpenGL ES 3.0 (WebGL 2.0).


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EkoScape is a simple 3D step-based game where you run through a maze rescuing your fellow alien Ekos, like a 3D Pac-Man, with robot enemies, fruit, and portals. The maps are simple text files that you can edit!


You can download the game on and then simply run it in the same folder containing the assets folder, or you can install & run the game from the official itch app where the game has been tested to work in sandbox mode (if you're concerned about security).

You can edit the Map files in assets/maps/ or make your own! See assets/maps/ for more details, which also includes how to submit your Map files for the next version.

System Requirements:

Additional System Notes:

  • Linux:
    • A Desktop Entry file is provided if you wish to integrate it with your DE (Desktop Environment). Open the provided file, io.github.esotericpig.ekoscape.desktop, in a text editor to read more details or read online here.

Code History

EkoScape is a remake of an old game I made back in 2004 (with minor edits in later years) using my friend's 3D step-based engine: The Dantares Engine by Ryan Witmer. You can find the original code in relics/.

Back then, I made it for Windows only. In 2024, I re-wrote the code for it in SDL2 (multi-platform) using modern C++20. However, it still uses The Dantares Engine and legacy OpenGL 2.1+, as homage to the original game and engine.

In the beginning, I rewrote the original code for fun in a couple of days. Having enjoyed the process, I decided to flesh it out into multiple, generic files, while adding a menu and a lot of extra stuff (such as portals, fruit, and multiple grids), which took over a month.

The code is a bit over-engineered, but I designed it so that I could use parts of it in other projects. I did make a simple ECS (Entity-Component-System) for it, but because the game is quite simple and the ECS code produced more files/lines of code, I decided to just stick with the original class-based structure.

Initially, src/cybel was named src/core, but I decided to make it into its own Game Engine (kind of). I then put it in its own namespace, called cybel. Because of this, I simply use using namespace cybel inside of the ekoscape namespace, as I didn't like putting cybel:: everywhere.



This project uses CMake, Ninja, and vcpkg. Please install these for your system.


Optional stuff for IDEs.

  • CLion
    • CMake Profiles are included.
    • The env var VCPKG_ROOT is defaulted to ./vcpkg so that you can just make a symlink to the actual path in the top of this project's folder, or instead, you'll need to edit the profiles (Settings => Build, Execution, Deployment => CMake) to change the env var appropriately: VCPKG_ROOT=/path/to/vcpkg.

Configuring Build

Platform-specific notes:

The following command will be very slow the first time you run it, as vcpkg downloads the dependencies. Also, it downloads & extracts additional Assets to the assets/ dir (only if assets/images/EkoScape.png doesn't exist).

cmake --preset default

Optionally, for various params, see the GH Workflows or the vcpkg docs.


# Linux
cmake --preset default \
      -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="x64-linux" \
      -DVCPKG_BUILD_TYPE=release \
      -DLINUXDEPLOY_ARCH="x86_64" \

# macOS
cmake --preset default \
      -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="arm64-osx" \
      -DVCPKG_CRT_LINKAGE=static \
      -DVCPKG_BUILD_TYPE=release \

# Windows (PowerShell)
cmake --preset default `
      -DVCPKG_TARGET_TRIPLET="x64-windows-static" `
      -DVCPKG_CRT_LINKAGE=static `
      -DVCPKG_BUILD_TYPE=release `

To see the list of vcpkg Triplets, you can use the unofficial-official hack:

vcpkg install sdl2 --triplet=""


Build for Release or Debug:

cmake --build --preset default --config Release
cmake --build --preset default --config Debug

This defaults to 5 parallel jobs. Instead, you can either use the preset no-jobs (which causes Ninja to use the max number of jobs) or use the -j option:

cmake --build --preset no-jobs --config Release

cmake --build --preset default --config Release -j 1


Run from the top-level directory (for the assets/ folder).

cmake --build --preset default --config Release --target run
cmake --build --preset default --config Debug --target run

Or run directly:


Checking Code Quality

Must have cppcheck installed.

cmake --build --preset default --config Release --target check

Building Linux AppImage

This automatically downloads linuxdeploy to build/downloads/ if it doesn't exist. The config is ignored and always uses the Release config.

cmake --build --preset default --config Release --target appimage

# Test running it:

If your platform is not x86_64, you'll need to change which linuxdeploy to use. See the ones available here.

rm -r build

# aarch64, armhf, i386, static-x86_64, x86_64
cmake --preset default -DLINUXDEPLOY_ARCH=aarch64

cmake --build --preset default --config Release --target appimage

Packaging Up

When configuring, optionally add a suffix for the filename:

cmake --preset default -DPKG_SUFFIX="-x64"

Now run the target package. It uses --install & CPack to package up the files.

cmake --build --preset default --config Release --target package


While playing the game, press F3 to see the FPS in the top left corner. The game is capped at 60 FPS.

There are various scripts in the scripts/ folder for development, but not necessary, just for convenience.

New Release

Optional: To update dependencies, update your vcpkg clone and then run vcpkg x-update-baseline in this project's folder. Clean any build folders and then test building & playing the game.

Bump the version in the following places:

With the GitHub CLI (gh) installed, run this script to download all Workflow Artifacts to build/artifacts/:

./scripts/artifacts.rb -g

(On Linux, to test the Windows icon in the exe, you can use wine explorer . and then check it out.)

Create a new release:

gh release create --draft --notes "$(git --no-pager log "$(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)"..HEAD --pretty=format:'- %B')" --title v2.1 v2.1


See scripts/artifacts.rb for all of your publishing needs.

Example workflow:

# Use `-n` to only perform a dry-run.
# Use `-c <channel>` to filter which artifacts/channels to use (fuzzy search).

# Download GitHub artifacts to `build/artifacts/`.
./scripts/artifacts.rb -g

# Extract (decompress) artifacts to `build/artifacts/`.
./scripts/artifacts.rb -x

# Validate artifact folders for
./scripts/artifacts.rb -v -c lin
./scripts/artifacts.rb -v -c mac
./scripts/artifacts.rb -v -c win

# Publish artifact folders to
./scripts/artifacts.rb -I -c lin
./scripts/artifacts.rb -I -c mac
./scripts/artifacts.rb -I -c win

# Check status of builds.
./scripts/artifacts.rb -s



Due to The Dantares Engine being licensed under GPL, I also had to license this game under GPL. However, I might extract my Cybel Engine out (doesn't depend on The Dantares Engine) and place it under a more permissive license (like LGPL or MIT), but probably no one cares to use it anyway.


EkoScape (
Copyright (c) 2004, 2024-2025 Bradley Whited

EkoScape is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

EkoScape is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with EkoScape. If not, see


🎮🤖🧿 Simple 3D step-based game in C++20 using SDL2 & OpenGL, like a 3D Pac-Man. Also can run in Web browsers using Emscripten & OpenGL ES 3.0 (WebGL 2.0).





