Needed a simple way for non-developers to access issues in a Github Project. Using the Github GraphQL API to fetch issues from a project in a private repo.
There are two different ways to display the data table
or printed csv
Nothing fancy, just an easy way to access data from the API to use in other software.
The fetched list contains the following data:
- Issue Number
- Title
- Assignees
- Status (Custom Field)
- Milestone
- Development Area (Custom Field)
- Current Estimate (Custom Field)
- Original Estimate (Custom Field)
- Sprint (Custom Field)
There is just 1 variables to set:
const token = "token" // personal access token, to access private repos/projects.
Necessary scopes for the access token:
- repo
- project
- read:project
So this is just a single HTML-file with some inline CSS and JS. Neither pretty or optimized code, but it does the job as an internal tool.