A toolbox that implements the extended functionalities of Nessus, the #1 vulnerability assessment solution.
- Nessus Professional Version 10
- Nessus API Documentation v. 10.0.2
- python 3.8.5
- pip 20.2.4
- Install dependency
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Modify the output directory, Nessus endpoint, username, password, and Nessus db password in nessus-scan-bulk-downloader.py.
output_dir = 'exports'
base_url = 'https://localhost:8834/'
# login infomation for local Nessus
username = ''
password = ''
export_format = 'db'
# password for nessus db
db_password = ''
- Run Nessus Scan Bulk Downloader.
python nessus-scan-bulk-downloader.py
100%|█████████████████████████████████████████| 107/107 [06:56<00:00, 3.89s/it]
This tool will execute the following functions.
- Create a Session -> get token
- List all Scans -> get folders and scans
- Request for Export -> get file id
- Check Export Status -> get status
- Download Export file -> get file binary
This tool was inspired by this discussion, Bulk Download Entire Scan History - Tenable Community.
- Export Scan Config to Scan Policy for other scans, Can I export scan configuration and import them in SecurityCenter?.
Nessus Python Toolbox is licensed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2022 Yu-Wei Chang