- 🌱 Atualmente estou aprendendo a utilizar GitHub e Git para facilitar o processo de versionamento de meus projetos. Além disso estou revendo conceitos na linguagem SQL, utilizando os SGBDR's MySql, SQL Server (SSMS) e SQLite. Estou buscando me aprofundar em Java, JS, Html e Css3 para adentrar em outras linguagens, sendo:
👨💻 About Me
name: Eric Carvalho
located_in: São Paulo, Brazil
from: São Paulo (Brazil)
job: null
education: ["System Analysis and Development", "Google Data Analytics", "Technical course of System Analysis and Development", "Oracle Next Education (ONE)"]
company: null
past experiences: null
fields_of_interests: ["Data Science", "Back-End Development", "Artificial Intelligence", "Computer Vision", "Data Analytics", "Android Studio Development", "Basic Web Development"]
currently_learning: ["Computer Vision", "Data Analytics", "Back-End Foundations"]
will_learn: ["Data Science", "Basic Web Development"]
hobbies: ["Movies", "Tv Shows", "Cinema", "Competitive Gaming", "Read", "Gym"]