Chapter 2
- assert
- context managers and with
- underscores
- string formatting
- := operator
- zen of python easter egg
Chapter 3
- first class
- lambda
- decorators
- *args and **kwargs
- argument unpacking
- default return
Chapter 4
- object comparisons
- __repr__ and __str__
- defining exception class
- shallow copy and deep copy
- abstract base class
- collections.namedtuple
- built-in helper methods
- class variable vs instances variable
- instance, class, static methods
Chapter 5
- Maps
- dict
- OrderedDict
- defaultdict
- ChainMap
- MappingProxyType
- Record
- list
- tuple
- array.array
- str
- bytes
- customized class as record
- typing.namedTuple
- struct.struct
- SimpleNamespace
- Sets and Multisets
- set
- frozenset
- collections.Counter
- Stacks
- list
- collections.deque
- queue.LifoQueue
- Queue
- list
- collections.deque
- multiprocessing.Queue
- Priority Queues
- list
- heapq
- queue.PriorityQueue
Chapter 6
- pythonic loops
- list comprehensions
- list slicing tricks
- __iter__ and __next__
- generator
- generator expressions
- iterator chains
Chapter 7
- dict default value
- sort dict
- emulating switch case statements with dicts
- how dict key works
- merge dict
- dict pretty prints
Chapter 8
- dir() and help()
- virtual environment
- python bytecode and disassembler