These modules enable the reading of midi signals over a HardwareSerial or SoftwareSerial on an Arduino.
For barebones usage, you can simply read signals and attach callbacks to MIDI_NOTE_ON and MIDI_NOTE_OFF.
For stronger usage, you can build entire songs or songbanks, which have their own callbacks for failure or completion. E.g. someone plays a MIDI keyboard, hooked up to your Arduino, and if they play a given song all the way through with no wrong notes, the completion callback which you designate for that song becomes triggered.
###Barebones listener example (see also the examples dir):
#include <Arduino.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include "midi-listener.h"
/* callback for MidiListener */
void noteOn( unsigned char note, unsigned char volume );
/* callback for MidiListener */
void noteOff( unsigned char note );
SoftwareSerial mySerial(10,11);
MidiListener midiListener(mySerial, noteOn, noteOff);
/* Arduino-required function */
void setup()
/* Arduino-required function */
void loop()
/* Callback when MIDI_NOTE_ON occurs */
void noteOn( unsigned char note, unsigned char volume ) {
Serial.print("note on ");
Serial.println((int) note);
/* Callback when MIDI_NOTE_OFF occurs */
void noteOff( unsigned char note ) {
Serial.print("note off ");
Serial.println((int) note);