Tags: enmoei/bouncy-gpg
release/v2.1.2 * Enh: Merge [OSGI support by basdfish69](neuhalje#29) * Enh: Add support for Java 11 * Enh: SignaturesMissingException carries list of missing signatures * Doc: Minor documentation improvements * Tst: Improve test coverage * Dep: Update test & minor dependencies * Ref: Refactor argument checking into helper methods
bugfix release Add support to search for the whole UID instead of e-mail only. To enable this new feature call "selectUidByAnyUidPart()": final InputStream plainIS = BouncyGPG.decryptAndVerifyStream() .withConfig(Configs.keyringConfigFromFilesForRecipient()) .selectUidByAnyUidPart() // << here .andRequireSignatureFromAllKeys("Sven Sender") ... API CHANGE: Rfc4880KeySelectionStrategy no longer enforces to search for e-mail only. If you did not use Rfc4880KeySelectionStrategy directly this will not affect you. ByEMailKeySelectionStrategy provides the old Rfc4880KeySelectionStrategy behaviour.
Release 2.1.0 Non-breaking changes * Switch to APACHE2.0 license * Encrypt to multiple recipients * Finer grained control over key selection * New maven example * Improved test coverage * Bump to BC 1.59 Still pre-Alpha * Add Concordion spec-test and tutorial * Add website generated with hugo (wip) * Support for key derivation use cases (--> https://github.com/neuhalje/presentation_content-encryption ) Breaking API Changes * PGPHashAlgorithms / PGPSymmetricEncryptionAlgorithms / PGPCompressionAlgorithms: Encapsulate public final fields with getter * Removed ReencryptExplodedZipMultithreaded * Selection of keys was not compliant with RFC 4880. Probably this is non-breaking for most users. Use Pre202KeySelectionStrategy for old behaviour.
Hardcode non-dryRun for bintrayUpload Reading from property file failed and it is not important enough.