Right when you open the website you get an alert telling the user to enter full screen mode - I chose to include this so the user gets the best playing experience.
Then you can click the link to take you to the instructions page or just start playing the game. The instructions page was really fun to figure out, I found a source that explained how to make the classic rolling credits we all expect from a Star Wars film.
Here is the Character choice screen:
Once you choose your character, choose an opponent and press attack.
The next two images show the original damage and the attack power increasing.
Once you defeat your opponent you are prompted to choose a new enemy.
This is what a winner looks like:
And this is what a looser looks like...how sad. At least there's a reset button.
Overall I had a great experience working on this project. I definitely found my "flow," and spent about twelve hours split between two days writing this game. While I don't think its completely done - I would like to work out certain formatting issues and make it hardware agnostic - I am very proud of what I have made.
I feel like I should make a disclaimer so I won't get sued, so here it is: The Star Wars Expanded Universe and all logos, characters, artwork, stories, information, names, and other elements associated, including but not limited to Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, are the sole exclusive property of Lucasfilm Limited. Images that are displayed on this site are copyrighted to Lucasfilm Limited or another partner of Lucas Licensing, or to the creator of the image.