This is a repository for various batch-processing scripts I have written for audio files.
soxbatch2 usage: ./soxbatch2 "search pattern" "file format" "format options" "name addendum" "extra arguments" "run flag"
example: ./soxbatch2 "*.wav" "wav" "" "-processed" "trim 0 0:02 fade 0 0 0.1 norm" 1
that will look in a directory for all files ending in .wav ("*.wav"), and for each, output a new wav file ("wav") named FILENAME-processed.wav ("-processed"), trimmed to 2 seconds ("trim 0 0:02"), with a 0.1 second fadeout ("fade 0 0 0.1"), and normalised ("norm"). the '1' at the end is the flag that actually runs the script, without it, it will just print out the sox command.
recursive usage: this one you can leave out the last argument, OR you can pass in your own sox options...
simplest usage (44.1k, 16bit default): bash ./ sourceDir targetDir
advanced usage (mono, 22.5k, 8 bit): bash ./ sourceDir targetDir "-c 1 -b 8 -r 22050"