Webchat is a server-to-server chat application built with TypeScript and the Angular and Nest.js frameworks. This is an example fullstack application intended as a starting point for developers who are looking for something more complex than a beginner's tutorial but something less scary than a real-world open source project.
Running this demo requires Docker. To get started, simply run
./demo.sh start
On your first run, this may take a while. Running the demo script will set up a network of three webchat users: Alice, Bob and Eve. Once the setup is complete, you will see a list of links which let you access Alice's, Bob's and Eve's frontend and backend.
Before webchat users can exchange messages, they need to add each other as a contact. Let us start by connecting Alice and Bob.
First, open Bob's webchat frontend. In your browser, enter the following address:
Click on Add contact. In the window that opens, copy the generated invitation code by clicking on the copy symbol.
Open a new browser tab or window and browse to Alice's webchat frontend:
Click on Add contact and paste Bob's invitation code. Click on the "Add contact" button. Bob should now appear as one of Alice's contacts.
Go back to Bob's frontend (at http://localhost:4202
) and close the Add contact dialog if you have not already done so.
If Alice is not displayed as a contact, press F5 to reload Bob's contact list.
Now that Alice and Bob are connected, they can send messages to each other.
On Alice's frontend (http://localhost:4201
), click on Bob's name and enter a message in the message window.
Click the Send button or press Ctrl + Enter.
The message should then also appear in Bob's chat with Alice.
The Webchat backend API is automatically created as an OpenAPI document using the Nest.js Swagger module. To view the API docs, browse to
Once you are finished, stop the demo by running
./demo.sh stop
This will stop and remove all webchat Docker containers and networks.