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Superpower REST API DX with Serverless ⚡ and DevOps Best Practices on AWS (PHP Version)

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Serverless API skeleton

👩🏻‍💻 Learn more

If you want to learn more about how to use and the assumptions behind this repo, please read this article (second of the series) and this other article (first of the series)

Comments, share, PRs are welcomed.

💡 What you will find in this repo

This repo is strongly based on implementing a REST API following AWS Serverless Multi-Tier Architectures with Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda architecture patterns.
This repo contains a serverless REST API which:

  • use AWS Lambda as compute layer of serverless tier
  • use API Gateway as interface layer of serverless tier
  • use AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild as CI/CD Pipeline to deploy the API

In this repo we adopt those DevOps practices:

  • IaC with Serverless Framework and Cloudformation
  • OpenAPI documentation and Doc as Code integrated in IaC with Serverless OpenApi Documenter plugin
  • TDD with jest based on OpenAPI Doc
  • CI/CD

❓Why OpenAPI

We suggest you to base your development process following those steps:

  • get requirements
  • design your API with OpenAPI
  • configure infrastructure in IaC (IaC with serverless framework)
  • decorate your IaC with Doc As Code using your OpenAPI specification (DaC with serverless openapi documenter)
  • write test to ensure OpenAPI is validated and functionality is as expected (TDD with jest)
  • write code until all our test are green
  • deploy both API and documentation using CI/CD

To start working locally and deploy this project you'll need to install and configure serverless following those steps:

npm install -g serverless


cd .dev/docker && docker stop $(docker ps -aq) && docker-compose build && docker-compose up -d

🐳 Local Environment

This repo comes with a PHP-fpm docker container to execute useful command prepared for you in cmd folder Execute this script to start them.

npm run docker

🚀 Run Locally

When your container is active you run a local development server based on Bref dev-server


or, if you don't use docker and you have PHP installed on your host


It will start for you a server and run the api at emulating API Gateway and Lambda locally with Bref It will use your .env.local configuration if present, or your configuration as a fallback.

⚡ Serverless.yml

Serverless architecture is defined in root file serverless.yml.
This file is made up of very important sections:

  • service: name of your deployed service
  • frameworkVersion: to define serverless version
  • useDotEnv: to load .env files
  • provider: global definitions for AWS provider, loaded with a config/serverless-provider.yml file
  • plugins: serverless plugin list which are used by this project, loaded with a config/serverless-plugins.yml file
  • functions: definition for each function, loaded by specific file for each function (src/**/**/serverless.yml)
  • custom: custom definitions

📄 Documentation as code

Generate documentation running in root directory

npm run doc

This scripts uses serverless-openapi-documenter and @redocly/cli to create doc resources in doc folder:

  • doc/openapi.json: a OpenApiV3 specification of your API in json format
  • doc/openapi.yaml: a OpenApiV3 specification of your API in yaml format
  • doc/postman.json: a prepared postman collection to consume your API
  • doc/index.html: a static doc file which could be deployed to be consulted (we suggest you to deploy to S3+Cloudformation)

🧪 Tests

Sample tests are implemented using PHPUNIT and openapi-psr7-validator Tests under tests folder, validate request and response model against generated OpenApi V3 specification, which are defined in your severless.yml architecture file (importing models folder files).

Please be sure to generate doc files before testing running

npm run doc

Then copy .env.dist to .env.test, and customize your env vars.

Finally, run your test with


or, if you don't use docker and you have PHP installed on your host


👣 Cloud Footprint

It is a best practice to reduce lambda package footprint (package size) and general cloud footprint (unused resources).
To reduce your lambda footprint:

  • package individually each function in your serverless.yml file as we have done in this repo
## Package individually each function
  individually: true
  • define always package tag with patterns for include only needed file for each function as we have done in this repo
package: #package patterns
      - "!**/*"
      - vendor/**
      - src/function/hello/**

To reduce your cloud footprint, delete unused lambda version and layers which were created deploying your api. You can use serverless-prune-plugin as we have done in this repo to automatically prune older version as follow:

prune: #enable prune
    automatic: true #allow automatic prune
    includeLayers: true #allow layers prune
    number: 3 #retain at lease 3 version

☁️ Deploy API on AWS Cloud

Deploy from your local environment

Before proceed:

  • Create AWS access key or ask one to your team
  • Configure local serverless profiles for dev, staging, prod environments with
sls config credentials --provider aws --key <key> --secret <secret> --profile dev
sls config credentials --provider aws --key <key> --secret <secret> --profile staging
sls config credentials --provider aws --key <key> --secret <secret> --profile prod
⚠️ Please store securely your dev, staging, prod keys and secret
⚠️ You should never commit those keys and secret into this repo.
⚠️ You should never set those keys and secret into .env.dist configuration file.️

Please be sure to update those variables in your .env.* files. You should have at least three files:, .env.staging and Those will be used to deploy respectively dev, staging and prod stages.


Be aware to update RDS Config environment variables depending on the stage (dev/staging/prod). Be aware to update SG and SUBNETS variables depending on the stage (dev/staging/prod).

Run this choosing a stage (dev/staging/prod) and relative profile (dev/staging/prod) when deploying

sls deploy --aws-profile $PROFILE --stage $STAGE_NAME 

Deploy with AWS CodePipeline and AWS CodeBuild

You will find a preconfigured buildspec.yml which install, build, deploy and generate docs on AWS cloud.
You can use it as build specification for AWS CodeBuild project triggered by AWS CodePipeline.
We suggest you to have a specific pipeline per stage dev/staging/v1 connected to specific branches on git (using gitflow).

Infrastructure Versioning

We ensure a separate Cloud Stack per each stage and version (i.e dev, staging, uat, v1). A CloudFormation template under .dev/cf/api-resources.yaml template is useful to create all cloud resources needed:

  • one VPC, with 3 public subnet and 3 private subnet (shared between versions)
  • one NATGW (AZ-1A) (please change this to three, one per each private to be compliant with HA standards)
  • an RDS as database (you can choose to use DynamoDB as well to be full serverless)
  • needed security groups to let services be able to connect and communicate
  • a Codebuild Project, shared between our pipelines, to build and deploy your doc and solution
  • three Pipelines as CI/CD to deploy dev, staging, v1 versions of this API
  • one S3 bucket to store documentation versioned under "stage named" prefix
  • Coudfront Distribution to expose documentation

You should create parameters DB-PASSWORD in ParameterStore, and load SSL certificate before launch this template.


Superpower REST API DX with Serverless ⚡ and DevOps Best Practices on AWS (PHP Version)






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