This is a monorepo that utilizes Lerna for package management, encompassing a set of essential projects for development:
1. UI Kit
A comprehensive set of User Interface (UI) components based on the boilerplate-ui-kit. These components are highly reusable and customizable to accelerate the development of consistent interfaces.
Design tokens generated with Style Dictionary. These tokens form the foundation for visual consistency throughout the project, allowing for easy updating and maintenance of styles.
A Next.js client application using TypeScript. This package includes an initial structure for developing client-side pages and components, seamlessly integrating with the UI Kit and utilizing Design Tokens.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the Project Directory:
cd monorepo-lerna
- Install Dependencies:
npm install
- Use Lerna to Install Package Dependencies:
npx lerna bootstrap
- Run the Next.js Project:
cd packages/client-next
npm run dev
The Next.js client application will be available at http://localhost:3000.
- UI Kit and Design Tokens: Develop and update UI Kit components and design tokens. Use Storybook to view components in isolation and ensure visual consistency.
- Client Next.js: Build client-side pages and components using TypeScript. Integrate the UI Kit and Design Tokens to ensure a cohesive user experience.