20150812 WinForms Observer pattern
20150814 Solution Load Manager Sample VsAddin Dep01
20150814 Solution Load Manager Sample VsAddin
20151023 MSBand connection sample
20151125 Project Oxford Samples
20151203 Xamarin List BLE devices
20151214 UWP Change Window to FullScreen and Custom Size
20160105 UWP Windows 10 Face Detection Christmas sample
20160120 Xamarin Estimote Beacons
20160120 Xamarin Estimote Explorer
20160225 MSBand Positioning Sample
20160229 Garmin Sdk Samples
20160311 Azure IoT Hub HTTPClient
20160412 CognitiveServices Samples
20160929 Hololens UrhoSharp Samples
20161023 W10 BLE PolarH7 Monitor
20161106 Hololens Following Text
20170206 Flow Using JsonClasses
20170218 FraserHacks Cognitive Services
20170301 Hololens XboxController simple
20170314 HoloToolkit AirTap Click
20170421 Hololens Spatial Understanding
20170425 Hololens Spatial Understanding
20170426 Holo TapToPlace with Validation
20170526 CRIS Console Sample
20170711 UWP BLE Polar H7
20170801 Holo MRDesignLab Buttons
20170807 Holo MRDesignLab Move Resize Holograms
20171113 Malmo Load Mission From Xml
20180128 AlexaSkill Web Template
20180511 MLNet HelloWorld
20180704 UwpMLNet TinyYoloV2
20180709 UwpMLNet TinyYoloV3
20180806 UwpMLNet TinyYoloV2 1.2
20180808 MLNET 0.4 WordEmbeddings
20181011 MLNET 0.6 NewAPI
20190501 VisionSkills Skeleton Sample
20190516 MLNET AutoML API
20190521 Python FaceRecognition
20190528 Python FaceRecognition
201907 NetUniversity MLNet
20190819 Rpi 3 vs Rpi 4 Face Recognition
20191016 Uninstall NetCore Versions
20191125 CSV to JSON for Anomaly Detector
20200701 FlaskMultiThread
20200705 FastApiMultiThread
20210308 AzureIoT Module Rpi Grove Temp
20210510 CustomVision to Azure IoT Module
20211015 WioTerminal show image
20211019 WioTerminal Button Histogram
20211109 WioTerminal OpenClose Door
20211125 TinyML Audio OpenClose door
20211209 Check RTL 8720 Firmware Version
20211210 WioTerminal Connect to Wifi
20211213 WioTerminal Servos
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