Hi 👋, I'm Ekin Köseoğlu, I'm a Graduated from Electrical - Electronic Engineering at Karabuk University. Works in the software engineering field specializing in project management, software design & FullStack Developer. He is interested in web and audio technologies. He has experience in web technology frameworks Laravel and .NET with frontend knowledge of React.js, and Angular.js. As a graduation project, he is currently working on an Embedded Software Design for Smart Parking System. He has extensive knowledge in other fields like Restful APIs.
🔭 I’m currently working on RentACar Back-End
🌱 I’m currently learning Javascript, NodeJS, Java, Angular, React, Bootstrap, Vue.js, PHP
💬 Ask me about C#, Javascript, React, Angular, Typescript, Laravel, Git, HTML, CSS
📫 How to reach me ekinkoseoglu0@gmail.com
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