LinOTP features a concept of UserIdResolvers. Such a module is used to convert a user object from any kind of user database to a distinct ID, that can be used by LinOTP to assign tokens to.
This package contains the base class for useridresolvers, the PasswdIdResolver (flat files), the LDAPIdResolver (OpenLDAP, AD, eDirectory) and the SQLIdResolver.
This package is used by the linotp package. For installation see the linotp package.
New classes can be written by inheriting the base class.
class UserIdResolver: fields = {"username":1, "userid":1, "description":0, "phone":0,"mobile":0,"email":0, "givenname":0,"surname":0,"gender":0 } name = "" id = "" def __init(self): """ init - usual bootstrap hook """ = "UserIdResolver"; def getUserId(self, loginName): """ getUserId(LoginName) - returns the identifier string - empty string if not exist """ return def getUsername(self, userid): """ getUsername(LoginId) - returns the loginname string - empty string if not exist """ return def getUserInfo(self, userid): """ getUserInfo(UserID) This function returns all user information for a given user object identified by UserID. Return value is a dictionary, if no object is found, the dictionary is empty """ return "" def getResolverId(self): """ getResolverId(LoginName) - returns the resolver identifier string - empty string if not exist """ """ print ">>" + LoginName; """ return def getResolverType(self): return '' def loadConfig(self, config, conf): return self def checkPass(self, uid, password): ''' This function checks the password for a given uid. - returns true in case of success - false if password does not match ''' return False