This library extends TensorFlow library by AxConv2D layer that implements QuantizedConv2D layer with approximate multiplier. The approximate multipliers implemeted in C/C++ are stored in axqcovn/axmult folder. The layers optionaly allow to use weight tuning algorithm that tries to modify weights of the layer to minimize mean arithmetic error of the multipliers.
For more details see paper: 10.1109/ICCAD45719.2019.8942068 or arXiv:1907.07229 . If you use this library in your work, please use a following reference
V. Mrazek, Z. Vasicek, L. Sekanina, M. A. Hanif and M. Shafique, "ALWANN: Automatic Layer-Wise Approximation of Deep Neural Network Accelerators without Retraining," 2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD), Westminster, CO, USA, 2019, pp. 1-8.
author={V. {Mrazek} and Z. {Vasicek} and L. {Sekanina} and M. A. {Hanif} and M. {Shafique}},
booktitle={2019 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)},
title={ALWANN: Automatic Layer-Wise Approximation of Deep Neural Network Accelerators without Retraining},
keywords={approximate computing;deep neural networks;computational path;ResNet;CIFAR-10},
In contrast with standard implementation, the proposed layer introduces additional two parameters: AxMult(str) and AxTune(bool).
Note that the library was used for inference path only.
The library is implmeneted symbolic library that is dynamically included. Firstly it must be build
cd axqconv
Then it can be included to the run.
import tensorflow as tf
An example is given in example folder. It approximates ResNet neural network trained for CIFAR-10 dataset.
Firstly, the dataset must be downloaded and preprocessed.
python --data-dir=${PWD}/cifar-10-data
Then, the frozen network must be quantized and the layer replaced by approximate implementation. Note that this step can be skipped because the quantized ResNet-8 (resnet_8_quant_ax.pb) is included in cifar-10-graphs folder.
tensorflow/bazel-bin/tensorflow/tools/graph_transforms/transform_graph \
--in_graph=${fn}.pb \
--out_graph=${fn}_quant_ax.pb \
--outputs='resnet/tower_0/fully_connected/dense/BiasAdd:0' \
--inputs='input' \
strip_unused_nodes(type=float, shape="1,299,299,3")
remove_nodes(op=Identity, op=CheckNumerics)
The example script approximates input NN with the same multiplier (uniform structure).
# usage: [-h] --data-dir DATA_DIR
# [--batch-size BATCH_SIZE]
# [--iterations ITERATIONS] --mult MULT
# [--tune TUNE]
# graph
# positional arguments:
# graph Frozen graph.
# optional arguments:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# --data-dir DATA_DIR The directory where the CIFAR-10 input data is stored.
# --batch-size BATCH_SIZE
# Number of images in the batch.
# --iterations ITERATIONS
# Number of iterations of batches, batch_size *
# iterations <= data_size; batch_size >> iterations.
# --mult MULT Name of multiplier; (eg mul8u_1JFF) - for more see
# ../axqconv/axmult/*.c.
# --tune TUNE Use weight adaptation algoritm.
python cifar-10-graphs/resnet_8_quant_ax.pb --data-dir cifar-10-data/ --tune true --mult mul8u_1JFF
# Expected output:
# INFO:tensorflow:resnet/tower_0/conv2d/Conv2D/eightbit = mul8u_1JFF (tune = True)
# INFO:tensorflow:resnet/tower_0/stage/residual_v1/conv2d/Conv2D/eightbit = mul8u_1JFF (tune = True)
# INFO:tensorflow:resnet/tower_0/stage/residual_v1/conv2d_1/Conv2D/eightbit = mul8u_1JFF (tune = True)
# INFO:tensorflow:resnet/tower_0/stage_1/residual_v1/conv2d/Conv2D/eightbit = mul8u_1JFF (tune = True)
# INFO:tensorflow:resnet/tower_0/stage_1/residual_v1/conv2d_1/Conv2D/eightbit = mul8u_1JFF (tune = True)
# INFO:tensorflow:resnet/tower_0/stage_2/residual_v1/conv2d/Conv2D/eightbit = mul8u_1JFF (tune = True)
# INFO:tensorflow:resnet/tower_0/stage_2/residual_v1/conv2d_1/Conv2D/eightbit = mul8u_1JFF (tune = True)
# INFO:tensorflow:Mean accuracy (run 0): 0.83400 in 83.854471 sec
# INFO:tensorflow:Mean accuracy (run 1): 0.83400 in 82.986569 sec
# INFO:tensorflow:Mean accuracy (run 2): 0.82500 in 82.558742 sec
# INFO:tensorflow:Mean accuracy (run 3): 0.81700 in 82.657452 sec
# INFO:tensorflow:Mean accuracy (run 4): 0.84300 in 82.476791 sec
# INFO:tensorflow:Mean accuracy (run 5): 0.83500 in 83.072191 sec
# INFO:tensorflow:Mean accuracy (run 6): 0.83800 in 83.239446 sec
# INFO:tensorflow:Mean accuracy (run 7): 0.82900 in 82.900470 sec
# INFO:tensorflow:Mean accuracy (run 8): 0.83800 in 83.148296 sec
# INFO:tensorflow:Mean accuracy (run 9): 0.83300 in 83.009785 sec
# INFO:tensorflow:results;mult=mul8u_1JFF;tune=True;accuracy=0.833
The input multiplier can be one from following list (see EvoApproxLib for more details)
- mul8u_1JFF - accurate
- mul8u_DM1
- mul8u_GS2
- mul8u_YX7
- mul8u_QKX
- mul8u_2HH
- mul8u_17C8
- mul8u_L40
- mul8u_150Q
- mul8u_13QR
- mul8u_7C1
- mul8u_2AC
- mul8u_199Z
- mul8u_12N4
- mul8u_1AGV
- mul8u_PKY
- mul8u_19DB
- mul8u_CK5
- mul8u_17QU
- mul8u_FTA
- mul8u_KEM
- mul8u_125K
- mul8u_18DU
- mul8u_JQQ
- mul8u_JV3
- mul8u_QJD
- mul8u_2P7
- mul8u_185Q
- mul8u_14VP
- mul8u_96D
- mul8u_NGR
- mul8u_ZFB
- mul8u_17KS
- mul8u_EXZ
- mul8u_Y48
- mul8u_1446