Chimp.js makes it easy for developers to write automated/e2e tests for web applications with a technology stack for Selenium, WebDriverIO, Saucelabs, Mocha and Cucumber.
gulp-chimp is a wrapper to interact with Chimp.js in a gulp task.
In the terminal run the following command
npm install gulp-chimp --save-dev
Usage with chimp.conf.js file chimp.conf.js
var chimp = require('gulp-chimp');
/* Chimp.js - Automated/e2e Testing with a config file */
gulp.task('chimp', function () {
return chimp('chimp.conf.js');
gulp.task('chimp-options', () => {
return chimp({
features: './source/e2e/features', // Cucumber features files
browser: 'phantomjs',
singleRun: true,
debug: false,
output: {
screenshotsPath: './e2e_output/screenshots',
jsonOutput: './e2e_output/cucumber.json'
htmlReport: {
enable: true,
jsonFile: './e2e_output/cucumber.json',
output: './e2e_output/report/cucumber.html',
reportSuiteAsScenarios: true,
launchReport: true
Type: string
Default: ./source/e2e/features
Type: string
Default phantomjs
Type: boolean
Default true
Type: boolean
Default false
Type: object
output: {
screenshotsPath: './e2e_output/screenshots',
jsonOutput: './e2e_output/cucumber.json'
Type: object
htmlReport: {
enable: true,
jsonFile: './e2e_output/cucumber.json',
output: './e2e_output/report/cucumber.html',
reportSuiteAsScenarios: true,
launchReport: true