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hawkBit metadata repository

The repository is in charge for managing the meta data of the update server, e.g. provisioning targets, distribution sets, software modules etc.



$ mvn clean install

Note, in order to build correctly in your IDE, you have to add ./target/generated-sources/apt to your build path.



A rollout consists of the distribution set and a target-query-filter which defines the targets to be updated in this rollout. The targets within this filter are split up in configured amount of Deployment Groups at creation time.

When starting a rollout, for all targets within this rollout deployment actions will be created. The deployment actions of the first group will be started immediately all other deployment actions will be scheduled.

Due rollouts might include a large number of targets and deployment group, creation as well as starting a rollout might take some time and therefore the creation and starting of an rollout is executed asynchronously. The creation and starting progress is reflected by the rollout's status attribute

Rollout Creation

The targets reflected by the target-query-filter is interpreted at creation time. Only targets which have been created at that time are included in the rollout. Targets which are created after the rollout creation will not be included. At rollout creation time all necessary deployment groups containing the targets will be created. Dynamically adding targets to a created or running rollout is currently not supported.

Rollout Starting

The rollout is using the same concept based on deployment acionts per target. All necessary deployment acionts will be created at starting point but not all deployment acionts will be set to running. Only the deployment acionts of the first deployment group is set to running, all other actions are created in scheduled state.
If targets having not finished deployment actions at rollout starting time, these action are tried to cancel (state: canceling). Scheduled actions from another rollout are canceled directly on server side because they were never running before and can be safely canceled.

Multiple rollouts can be running at the same time, but if the rollouts effect the same targets they will interfer the targets deployment actions e.g. canceling/cancel already running/scheduled deployment actions.

Deployment Group Condition/Action

Success Condition/Action

A success condition defines when a deployment group is interpreted as success and triggers the success action. E.g. a threshold of successfully updated targets within the group.

The success action is executed if the success_condition is fullfilled. Currently only the success action starting the next following deployment group is available.

Error Condition/Action

A error condition defines when a deployment group is interpreted as failure and triggers the error action. E.g. a threshold of update failures of targets within the group.

The error action is executed if the error condition is fullfilled. Currently only the error action pausing the whole rollout is available, a paused rollout can be resumed by a user.

Rollout Scheduler

The rollout is managed by a scheduler task which is checking for rollouts in running state. This is done atomic by updating the row in the database, so only the rollouts are checked and processed for the current instance to avoid that multiple instances are processing a rollout.

Due the scheduler, it might take some time until a rollouts is processed and switching is state or starting the next deployment group.